Chapter 7 : The starting

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Bella's P.O.V

It felt like I passed out for years. I woke up to seven pairs of golden eyes staring at me worried. I sat up slowly and Edward helped me.

“ What Happened? The last thing I know there was a lot of wolves in front of and then I passed out. How long was I even out?” I asked but everyone was looking at each other. I was getting impatient so I got out of bed and began to walk out. Edward grabbed me at my wrist and turned me to face him.

“ I’m sorry, love. We were just wondering and quite curious. Let me answer your questions first. Well like you said just now we ran into the wolves and the next thing I know you passed out so I carried you home. We got home and Carlisle checked you but there was nothing wrong. You were out for seven days.”

SEVEN DAYS?!! “ Wait I was out for seven days? How can I just pass out for days? What is wrong with me?” I felt  moistures rolled down my cheek. What?!! I am crying. That’s  not impossible, vampires can’t cry. What’s happening. I hid my face in my hands and I felt someone trying to comfort me.

“Shhh Bella. It’s okay. We’ll find out soon and we’ll be here for you.”  I should have known it was Edward. He sounded worried and pained. I look up at him and he jumped back. He looked like he just saw a ghost. I cried more and Alice ran to comfort me. Edward stood there frozen as were everyone else except for Alice. I was scared no one explained what was going on even Alice. I kept on crying and Edward noticed that. He slowly walked up to me like I was going to go into shock. He finally got to me and he kneel down in front of me.  He grabbed my hand and held them tightly.

“I’m so sorry Bella. I was just shocked and kind of worried. I think you should see yourself in the mirror.” Edward sounded unsure but I got up and walked to the mirror. I was shocked and curious. Why was my eyes glowing and ice blue. Everyone took turns looking at me. Carlisle thought that it was a new power but it doesn’t felt like it.

 It felt like I was going through some kind of transformation or something.  I remembered that after I black out it felt nothing but the darkness but there was a glowing light floating around the darkness. It felt like there was no gravity holding me to the Earth. I didn’t told them about that, it would worry them more so I kept quiet. Carlisle wanted to do some tests on me but I’m sure he won’t find anything wrong with me.

 Edward led me to Carlisle study with Carlisle in front of us. We did a few tests and talked for a little while. After 2 hours, Carlisle released us while he worked on his documents. Edward and I went down to the living room. Everyone except for Carlisle and Esme was in the living room. Me and Edward sat on one of the love seat that is near the couch. Emmett and Jasper were playing video games while Rose and Alice were reading magazines. I cuddled Edward and we spent our night in each other’s embrace.

 (¯´•._.• є∂ιтє∂ •._.•´¯) 

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