Chapter 4 : A little of the past

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Bella's P.O.V.

The rest of the day past in a blur. Nothing much happened. I had Emmett and Jasper in my third period, Rosalie in the period before lunch, we hardly even talked. I seriously don’t get what’s her problem. I’ve made some new friends. Angela, Jessica, Mike and Eric. They were really nice to me and offered to show me around town.

I entered the noisy cafeteria and saw the Cullen sitting at a table far away from the students at a corner. I walked over to their table while passing by the popular table. The bimbos gave me disgusted looks while the jocks gave me lustful stares. From a distance I could already see the worried expression on the Cullen excluding Rosalie. I guess Alice had the same vision and told them. No one was speaking. The trays of food left untouched on their tables. I guess props?

I sat down beside Edward and grabbed his hand. He gave a small smile but I could still see the worries behind his act. I smiled back and turned to the others. They were all looking at me like how Edward is. It was kind of creepy. Rosalie was just playing with her nails beside Emmett but I could care less.

 “Guys, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a coven.” I assured them. Their faces were in shock from what I’d said.

“Bella it’s not just a ‘coven’. It’s the Volturi. We can’t take them on by ourselves and I just found you today” Edward said with pain.

“Come on guys. I can take care of myself; I am more powerful than you thought.” I explained to them but they still have a worry face on so I decided to search for the future again. I got nothing but the same scene from the previous vision.

Lunch ended and I have Biology, one of my least favorite subjects. Edward was also having Biology so I grabbed his hand and walked out of the cafeteria. We walked to Biology hand in hand and got a lot of stares from the student but I didn’t care. I got Edward’s attention so he was not worrying about the vision. We walked into the classroom and I handed the teacher the slip. I was assigned to sit beside a boy with pale blond hair and baby blue eyes.

“I’ll see you later, Edward.” I said and kissed Edward on the cheek and went to my seat.

Everyone’s thoughts were about me and Edward. Most of them are annoying me so I turned off my mind reading power. The boy’s name was Mike Newton and his father owned a shop that sells sport and camping supplies. He kept on asking me question and starting a conversation every time. I focused on the lecture instead of him since I can’t stare at Edward. The lecture was boring because I’d already learned but I took notes.

After Biology I had gym so I grabbed my stuffs and kissed Edward on the cheek before heading to the gym. Emmett and Jasper were also having gym. I went over to the coach and he signed the slip. He found me a kit so I went to the locker room to change. Today we’re playing volleyball. I was teamed with both Emmett and Jasper and some other kids. Emmett came over and hugged me.

“It’s going to be alright. Edward was just worried for you.” Emmett said. He’s like the older brother I never had. I used to have a sister when I was younger maybe 6 or 5 but she died when she was in a building fire at school. All the students and teachers managed to escape but her because she got surrounded by the fire. They found her body all burnt up and my mom cried for weeks. All I can do is just cry with her.

My sister was like my backbone. She’s my force in life. I vowed to myself that day to be stronger and continue my sister’s footsteps. I started attending self defense classes and started working out.   

“I know but you guys have to understand that I can take care of myself. I’m not a baby.” I told him.

“Just give him time.” I nodded my head and focused on the game. It’s not that I don’t want Edward to care about me but its freaking getting on my nerves. I’m not any fragile, vulnerable girl. 

Gym ended quickly when the ear piercing bell rang through the school. The coach dismissed us and I went to the girl locker room to change back into my clothes. I stuff the gym clothes into my bag and walked out of the stinky locker room. Girls were swarming around the door, muttering about some hot guy. Something inside of me stirred at that mentioned. Somehow I have an idea of who they’re talking about.

Pushing open the door I bumped into someone. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. I know I’m a vampire but this guy must be really buff to be able to knock me down like that. Arms wrapped around my waist preventing me from falling and I opened my eyes to be met by a pair of amber eyes.

“Sorry.” I muttered to him and stood up straight.

“It’s alright. You must be new. I’m Mark.” He stuck out his hand. I look at it like it’s going to bite me but I held out my hand to shake it. His hands feel cold like a vampire should be and stone hard.

“Isa. I have to go. Maybe we’ll see each other around.” I left before he could reply. I don’t like that guy one bit to be honest. My sub-conscious was shouting at me to get away from him and run to Edward. I shook my head at that. Edward. He’s so stuck on my head.

I walked towards Edward who was leaning against the locker, ignoring everyone who were passing by and whispering to their friends. I frown at that. He seriously needs to open up. For the last few hours that I’ve known him, he’s always kept to himself. That’s not how to live.

“Hey.” I said and kissed his cheeks. I towed him all the way through the hallway and out to the car park. I ignored the curios and rumors seeking humans.

“Isa. Do you want to meet my parents?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled as the familiar sparks ran through my hand.

I was panicking; I mean what if they don’t like me? What am I going to wear? Most of all, how is his parents? I hope their nice, not like the ones that interrogate you till you can’t breathe. I couldn’t speak scared that when I do I would start rambling away so I just nod. We walked silently to the car park. It was a comfortable silence but I couldn’t help my mind to be jumping around at the thought of seeing his parents.

There weren’t any car in the car park except for mine. I looked at Edward probably looking like a lost puppy. He chuckled and led me to my car. I was about to ask him where is his car but I guess he read my mind.

 “They all took my car and told me to follow you so you won’t get lost.” Edward said.

“Well I guess that makes sense but one thing, you’re driving.” I toss him the keys and ran to the passenger side at human pace in case there are still humans there. Edward beat me and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in. He ran to the driver side and got in. He started the car and we drove away.


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