Chapter 3: A New Beginning

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It was 6:45 in the morning. I spent the whole night packing for school and arranging the house. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I left my hair hung loosely. I went to my closet and picked put my outfit for today. I decided to wear a white tank top with a fluffy pink short skirt. I looked at myself in front of the mirror to find that I looked hotter than my old self. My curves and features were more defined. I could say the new me makes the old me look like a hobo. 

After I was done I got in my car and raced to Forks High School. It was not hard to find since it's located just beside the highway. I parked at an empty spot. There was no one there yet so I got out and went to the office. There was a lady with unnatural blond hair around 30 years old. She looks pretty kind to me but after all those years in high school I know not to judge before knowing.

"Good morning. My name is Bella Swan. I'm new here" I tried to dazzle her and it worked. Maybe it wasn't so bad after to be a vampire. I should really thanks Charlene for changing me even though I didn't want it at first.

"Ahh yes, my dear. We've been expecting you. Here is your schedule, a map of the school and a slip for the teacher to sign and you need to hand it in at the end of today. Welcome to Forks High School and have a good day." The lady said.

"Thank you." I dazzled her again. I gave her a smile and slung my hair over to my left shoulder.

I took the papers and ran back to my car. I got in and memorized the map so I won't need to hold a paper every time. After 20 minutes or so, the car park was filled with teenagers. Everyone was looking at my car and discussing about who's the owner and how the I, the new girl looked like. I got so annoyed and grabbed my bag. I mean come on don't they have better things to do?

I got out of my car and everyone was now staring at me. I breathed in and got a scent of vampires here. The scents lead to a group of five people surrounding the Volvo, maybe they're the Cullen. I walked over to them and introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Isabella but you can call me Izzy if you want." I can feel everyone staring at me. I felt something additional inside my body and all of a sudden, random thoughts were thrown at me. 

'Who is she? Is she a vampire?' the blond one thought. No shit Sherlock. I'm a warlock. I thought sarcastically in my head.

'She's prettier than me. I'm going to kill her.' The blond girl thought. Bitch. At that moment I knew I'm not going to like her a lot unless she changes her attitude.

'We're going to be best friend. I hope she likes shopping.' The pixie girl thought. OMG Shopping!!! I agree with her thoughts.

'She looks like a great person to play pranks on.' The muscular one thought.

'She's so beautiful.' The bronze hair one thought. I stifled my giggles at that one. The pixie like girl came forward and introduced her family.

"Hi I'm Alice and this is my family." She said. One by one they started introducing themselves to me like they're in an interview.

"Hi I'm Emmett." The buff one said and engulfed me in a tight hug. I heard a growl came from the bitchy blonde and smirk. Ahh I see they're mates. It's truly amazing how I got a hang of this vampire thing like I'm a thousand years old. 

"Rosalie" the blonde bitch simply said. I faked a smile at her and looked to the blonde hair guy beside of her.

"I'm Jasper. Nice to meet you." We shook hands and I proceeded to the last one. The Greek God.

"Hi I'm Edward Cullen. It's nice to meet you." He smiled at me and my heart melted. I smiled back nicely at him and out of nowhere Alice hugged me.

"Why don't you sit with us at lunch?" She said.

 "Ok" I smiled at her. First day and I already have friends. I looked around the car park to find everyone's eyes on me. Girls shooting daggers at me while the boys stared at me with lust. I felt disgusted yet shot back daggers at the girls.

"So what you have for first period?" Edward asked. I stopped glaring at them and turned back to him. I took out the schedule and looked for first period.

"English with Mr. Mason." I told him. A grin grew on his face and I thought his face was going to break if he keeps on smiling like that.

"I have English too. Let's go you don't want to be late, do you?" I said goodbyes to the others and went to the building that looks old and like it could crumble any time. Edward walked beside of me and I couldn't help but feel attracted to him. Is this how mates are supposed to feel? Charlene explained to me that it felt magical when you found your mate. It's like you don't want to leave him and he could make you melt just with a voice.

I remembered how she looks at Jason with those loving eyes. They always can't seem to get their eyes off each other. She also said that when you touch your mate, sparks will erupt through your body. They will make you shiver in delight. I guessed I was focusing so much on Edward and involuntarily heard what he was thinking of at the moment. It's going to take me a few more times before I can get a hang of how to control it. 

 'How am I going to tell her she's my mate? I don't want to scare her off.' I pulled out of his head and sighed.

"I already know, Edward. I won't run away." His face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree. He hugged me and tangled his fingers with mine. I felt complete when he touches me. Charlene was right. The sparks were amazing.

We got to class on time. I handed the slip to the teacher and he gave me my stuff. I went to sit beside Edward and his hand reached for mine but I pulled it away before he could grab it. His face looked torn and his eyes held pain and sadness. I felt bad for making him feel like this.

'She doesn't like me? I'm so stupid.' He thought and looked like he could cry if he can. I put down my shield and thought to him.

'Edward it's not like that. It's just I want to take it slow. I mean we just met and don't you think we're going too fast?' His face lit up again and listened to me. The teacher came over after a few minutes and check on me. Today we were reading Wuthering Heights. I've read it so many times so I just stare at Edward's perfect face.

English passed in a blur and I have Spanish next while Edward has gym. I grabbed my bag and walked to class. When I walked into class, I saw Alice sitting at the back row. I handed the slip to the teacher and went to sit beside Alice. She was bouncing up and down on her seat. She seemed to be happy about something but she won't let me know. She was hiding her thought by singing. ABC to be exact.

"Alice, what are you thinking?" She shook her head and faced in front so I turned in front and left it alone.

Half way through out the lesson, I suddenly got a vision. I saw a group of vampires, around 100 of them and the Cullen facing each other. I was in the middle between the two covens. We were in a huge clearing and it was snowing. (A/N: just like breaking dawn part 2; P). The vision stopped and I was pulled back to reality.  Who were they and what was that all about?

So chapter 3. I know the plot is really rushing but try to see it in my point of view. This story was actually rushed writen without any planning or notes so I have to re-read the whole thing just to get the idea of plot. 

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