Chapter 25: Headache

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Here you go the 23rd chapter. Hope you like it. please comment adn vote



Carlisle said that we have to leave the next day after the meeting. So here we are in our guest room in the Volturi castle packing our luggage. Carlisle had already talked to Aro about our leaving today and Aro understood. Edward and I were done packing our bags so we are changing into a new outfit for today. I was in the bathroom doing my make up and hair.

 I finished with them and changed into a silver one shoulder knee length dress with a pair of matching heels. I came out of the bathroom and let Edward use it. I grabbed my dirty clothes and stuffed them into my laundry bag. I putted in my Ipod, a book, my purse and my phone into my handbag.

 I sat on the bed thinking of what had happened in my life since I met the Cullen. They’d helped me through difficulties, were always there when I need them, thought and trained me into a more wonderful person and I’d met the love of my life. What would I be without them. Someone knocked on the door breaking me out of my thoughts. I went over to the door and opened it. I was shocked to see Aro standing outside my room.

 “ Good morning, Isabella. May I talked to you privately if you don’t mind?” by the time Aro finished his sentence, Edward had already came out of the bathroom and was by my side. Aro saw Edward and greeted him too.

 “ Don’t worry, young Edward. I won’t hurt your mate I just want to discuss somethings with her. I hope you don’t mind.” Aro said to us while looking at us. I looked at Edward and he nodded his head. So I went out of the room and followed Aro into a what looks like a study room. It was likeCarlisle’s study at home but much more larger. It was full of old paintings and book shelves.

 “ Isabella, I just wanted to ask if you like to join the Volturi as a permanent guard but you could still stay with your family. You will only help the Volturi to run a few important errands once a year or once a month. I would really hope that you’ll join, you’ll be a rank higher than Jane and Alec that is the darkest black cloak in the guard.” I thought about it but I don’t now is a good time. I also don’t want to disappoint my family by joining the Volturi. What should I do. Should I accept his offer or decline it.

 “ Um Aro I don’t think now is a appropriate time for me to join your coven but maybe after everything is settle and done first. I can give you a call if I had made up my mind.” I told him. He gave me his number and I went back to my room. I opened the door to see a worried Edward pacing in the room. 

 He looked up at me and hugged me with all his strength that if I was a human I’ll be ashes by now. He putted me down after a minute and took me over to the bed. We still have time since Alice booked a 12 noon flight back to Forks.

We laid on the bed for hours just looking at each other. It was yet another boring day. I just wished we can be at home playing video games, chase each other and watch Emmett being dumb and silly.

 The time passed by quickly and it was time for us to go. Aro had asked Dementri to send us to the airport. We checked in and said our last goodbye to Dementri. Soon we boarded the plane and it took off. Alice had got us first class tickets so we were the only one there.

The stewardess had tried to flirt with Edward a few times and that got me really mad. Didn’t the lady have a brain. Edward had told her every time that he was taken but she just kept on flirting with him.

 Edward and Alice had to literally tie me to the seat to restrain me from killing that stupid bitch. The worst part was that the girl was laughing at me when they had tied me to the seat. Her mind was all full of negative thoughts about Edward. It’ll gross me to death if I wasn’t already dead.

 ‘Ha ha they have to tie her to her seat just to restrain her. I don’t get why such a handsome, rich and smart guy will want to be with that kind of girl. If he had come with me I would have show him a good time.’ She thought. Ew what had happened to the people’s mind now a days. Even I wasn’t thinking like that.

 The plane had finally landed after 7 horrible hours. I swear that I’ll get both Alice and Edward back for making me embarrass myself in front of that bitch. We headed to the front entrance after retrieving our bags. It was 7 o’clock in Forks but as usual it wasn’t sunny. We drove home in our cars that were parked at the airport’s parking. 

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