He drove to Derek's house and Scott paused. "Wait, something's different."

"Different how?"

Scott gave a small shake of his head. "I don't know. Let's just get this over with."

The boys started digging and Scott sighed in annoyance. "This is taking way too long."

Lucy frowned at the hole they'd made. "She doesn't like you digging her up. She says she was murdered, but not by who you think."

The guys ignored her and Stiles said, "Just keep going."

Scott's voice took on a tone of worry. "What if he catches us?"

"I have a plan for that."

"Which is?"

"You run one way, I run the other, one of us grabs Lu. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

Scott frowned. "I hate that plan."

"Oh, stop, stop," Stiles told his friend as soon as a rope appeared.

Stiles started untying the rope and Scott looked around nervously. "Hurry."

"I'm trying," Stiles huffed in an annoyed tone. "Did he have to tie the thing in, like, 900 knots?"

Scott sighed. "I'll do it." He and Stiles undid the knots to reveal a black wolf's head.

Lucy jumped into the air. "Schist! You poor thing."

"It's a wolf," Scott stated obviously.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood."

"I told you something was different."

Stiles frowned. "This doesn't make any sense."

Lucy studied her surroundings. "We should leave."

Scott nodded at her. "Lu's right. We should go."

"Yeah, okay," Stiles decided. "Help me cover this up." He suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

Stiles pointed to a purple flower. "You see that flower?"

"What about it?" Scott wondered.

"Uh, haven't you seen the Wolf Man?"

Scott shook his head. "No."

"Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains? The original, classic werewolf movie?"

Lucy patted Stiles' shoulder. "Let's assume he knows none of that."

Scott confirmed her words by asking, "What?"

Stiles chuckled. "You are so unprepared for this."

She noticed that the wolf had changed shape and said, "Guys? You might wanna check out the wolf. It's no longer a wolf."

Stiles soon appeared next to her and he jumped. "Holy--"

Lucy readied her arm in case she needed her sword. She was glad that the scariest thing here was werewolves as opposed to monsters of her kind.

The next morning, while Stiles talked with Derek, Lucy remained behind with Scott. He studied her a moment before saying, "I can't figure you out. You have this strange smell that I can't seem to pinpoint. You seem unfazed by all of this, and you have an aura of power."

She didn't meet Scott's eye. "I'm not fazed by this. I've seen things you can't even imagine. Beacon Hills is nothing compared to what I've seen."

Scott frowned. "You're not lying, but I think there's a lot you're not telling me."

Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now