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- Leo's POV -

Marinette's birthday night was amazing. I've never slept so soundly before that night. It felt like I was in a dream. We didn't really make out make out but it is our first time kissing. I hoped the next time would be more intense. I was wrong. The next weekend I went over again. Same old, same old. Hug, kiss, cuddle. Next weekend after that was better. She half took off my shirt and I half took off her shirt. I've never felt such thrill and excitement.


That night I visited Marinette's house yet again, in hopes of getting further than a couple closed lip kisses. Marinette lead me to her room (cutest and neatest room ever-) then to her bed. I was excited to get crazy. Get intense. We talked for a few minutes then she kissed my lip, allowing me to gently bite her full bottom lip. Her face blushed scarlet but a split second later, her cool hands grabbed my waist as she kissed me back, harder this time.

My hands traveled under her shirt to her bare waist. I felt her get startled but she grinned her cute little grin at me then returned it, her hands moving under my shirt. From under my shirt, her hands firmly took hold of my shoulders from the back as I kissed her, my mouth and her's slightly open. I slowly moved my arms higher from her waist as to not startle her. Soon, my hands were on her bare back, lingering over her bra clip at the back. To my surprise, Marinette giggled in our kiss and pulled herself even closer to me, her arms under my armpits, her hands stroking my hair and my shirt nearly off.

She let me slightly move her jaw to open her mouth a little more. I pushed my face harder towards hers and opened my mouth a little more and felt her breath become mine and mine become her's. It was like a dream come true. It was a dream come true.

I didn't want to alarm her so I allowed her to make the first move. Her tongue hesitantly stroked my lips and roamed my mouth. I pressed my tongue to hers and felt a rush of excitement run through me. I also felt Marinette shudder from the excitement I sent to her and we sat there, shirts half off, lips locked, tongues pressed, and shuddering with excitement.

Many minutes later, we broke the kiss and Marinette started to giggle which made me smile and chuckle because so was so dang cute! She took her hands out from my shirt and pushed me down on the bed and threw herself next and half on top of me. I took my hands from her bare back and shifted to my side to face her. She did the same and gazed into my eyes.

- Marinette's POV -

I gazed deep into Leo's eyes, falling in them. Beautiful hazel green. Leo stroked my cheek with his thumb. I smiled and played with his beautiful sleek strands of hazel. Seriously though what were models' hair care routines?! I was so jealous.

o h

m y

g o s h

We had french kissed!!!?!?!?!


I didn't even get to do that with Chat!! And I do it with Leo. MAN, Leo's a freaking good kisser (almost better than Chat.... sorry). I loved it when Leo came to visit. Our first two nights were innocent, cuddling, and little pecks on the lips. But... Ho boy. But, french kiss?? Not innocent. Half taking off each other's shirts?? NOT innocent.

I wished the the night wouldn't end but dreams don't last forever.

~ Next morning ~

Alya walked into the kitchen with ruffled hair, "Soo, Marinette. How was your night with Leo?"

Chloe grinned while sipping her coffee, "Yeah, we heard some moving around and shifting on your bed. And a lot of giggling."

Marinette's face flushed red, "O- oh. We were.. we were just ahh.."

Alya raised an eyebrow, "You were.. you were just ahh..?"

Marinette gulped a glass of water, "You know *cough* making ahem out."

Chloe laughed out, "Ahahaha... you don't have to be embarrassed about it, Marinette! Alya's never embarrassed when she and Nino make out."

Alya snort laughed, "Hehe, I'm never embarrassed. Yeah Marinette, you knew you guys were making out. And making out HARD."

The three girls shared a good laugh and ate breakfast together in the morning sun.

– -  ~ * ~  - –

Marinette stood up from her homework and paper, "I'm going to go over to Leo's."

Tikki nibbled her cookie as she flipped through her magazine.

"Tikki I said I'm going." Marinette laughed.

Tikki looked up from her magazine, "Oh! Hehe, sorry. Coming!"

– -  ~ * ~  - –

Marinette rung the house doorbell. Nathaniel opened the door. A slight blush splattered his cheeks.

"H-hey, Marinette. Do you want to come in?"

Marinette smiled warmly, "Yeah is Leo home?"

Nathaniel suddenly looked uninterested and annoyed, "No, he's not here. He just left. Lila came by this morning but Adrien's here."

"Oh, well thanks Nathaniel. Have a good day."

"No problem, Ma-" Nathaniel's words got cut off as he quickly shut the door behind him.

Tikki popped her head out from Marinette's bag, "I wonder where Leo could be."

Marinette started to walk to the park, "Yeah, I wonder."

– - ~ * ~ - –

Lila's house

- Lila's POV - 




I felt his strong hands grip my waist and pull me closer. Once he laid his eyes on me, he knew what sort of person I was. Just a little persuading and showing off some lace and boob can win any boy over. He bit my tongue as we french kissed. My hands were tucked under his pants and his were taking off my bra from under my shirt.

I giggled and held still to make it easier for him, "Leo, you sly fox~"

Leo flashed a charming smile at me and he yanked out my bra from my shirt and threw it off to the side, " We won't be needing that anymore."

I grinned and pressed my chest to his and pressed another kiss on his waiting lips.


Miraculous CollegeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora