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WARNING!! This part of the story might cause some people to be uncomfortable. Contains some(a lot of) fluff. :)))

If stuff like this makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this part.


"Marinetteeee," Chat Noir pressed his soft head on Marinette's neck and shoulders causing her to blush furiously.

"Why do you have to leave meee," Chat Noir whinned.

"Aww c'mon kitty, you can visit me anytime," Marinette said as she tucked a golden strand of hair behind Chat Noir's ear.

"Now, I'm going to need to pack, you need to move," Marinette tried to shove the needy black cat off her lap.

"Nope, haven't had all my Marinette time yet." Chat Noir swept Marinette of her seat and placed her on his lap positioning her so she faced him and looked at her dreamily.

He leaned in ever so slightly, causing the tip of their noses to touch. He rubbed his nose on Marinette's and looked deeply into her bluebell eyes. Grabbing his princess by the waist, he pulled her closer.

Shocked, Marinette's face turned scarlet. She looked into his bright green eyes and returned the affection. Carefully, she moved her hands to his neck and held on.

Chat Noir leaned in closer, their chests pressed together. Marinette shut her eyes closed as her heart raced.

They moved in, closer, almost closing the air between them.

Chat Noir could almost feel her steady breath on his lips. Mmm strawberries and fresh cookies, he thought.

"Kitty, what are you-"

Chat Noir cut her off short. The gap was completely closed between the two. Pressing his lips on her warm lips. He took in every bit of it. Her soft hands on his shoulders and neck. His hands gripping her waist. Her sweet bakery sent. He softly pressed her closer, and broke the kiss. Chat Noir opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of Marinette.


His princess.

Marinette drew in a quick breath, her cheeks burning red. What had just happened!?!

"I'm kissing you, that's what I'm doing." Chat Noir grinning from ear to ear like a total jerk, finishing Marinette's question from a while ago.

A cute jerk, thought Marinette, giggling at his cockiness.


I'm sorry for so much fluff, they're too cute :33

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