Welcome Home

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The three boys loaded their suitcases and bags in a large car and got on.

Adrien's driver, Gorilla was (as usuall) driving.

Nathaniel dozed off, Nino seemed to be busy texting Alya while listening to music, and Adrien's mind was someplace else.

Adrien's mind wandered off to what happened the two nights when he had gone to visit Marinette.

The visit started out pretty innocent but.. Wow, Adrien thought, that was amazing. In his head a familiar masked hero appeared. Ladybug. Sure he loved Ladybug but he didn't know her real identity. Wait! Marinette doesn't know his identity. But yet she allowed him to kiss her, but she didn't say that they were officially together.

I mean.

But we did make out pretty hard last night, Adrien thought, his face feeling warm.

The car pulled to a stop.

Oh, we're here.

Nino took his headphones off his ears, "Whoo hoo!! Our own place dudes!" He said excitedly, giving both Nathaniel and Adrien high fives.

Nathaniel and Adrien grinned, "Can't wait!"

The boys clambered out the car and grabbed their suitcases from the back.

Adrien turned to Gorilla and said sincerely, "Thanks for driving me everywhere, I'll miss you."

His driver simply grunted, and almost seemed as if he was hiding his emotions as he turned back toward his driving wheel and gave Adrien a half wave.

Adrien grinned, "See you when I come back for photo shoots!"

As Gorilla drove away leaving a cloud of dust, Adrien walked towards his friends on the sidewalk where their place was and handed little key chains to them.

Nathaniel had a little artist pallet key chain with a small bar code on the back.

Nino had a small DJ set key chain that also had a bar code on the back.

Nathaniel glanced over at Adrien's key chained and smiled, "Are you also a fan of ladybug?"

Hearing the word "also" being used made Adrien grin happily, "You betcha!"

"So... what are these, little decorations?" Nino asked curiously, "Don't get me wrong man, I love this one." He added in quickly.

"These," Adrien started, holding his key chain in the air, "Are our keys to our new home."



Adrien chucked, it was quite a sight; his friends extremely confused, glancing at their key chain, then at him repeatedly.

"Look, I'll demonstrate for you," Adrien said walking towards a large gray door with his key in hand, waving his hands in a large dramatic fashion.

Nathaniel and Nino, realizing the huge house for the first time, didn't pay attention to Adrien, instead their eyes traveled upwards towards the sky, the house was a good 25 feet maybe 30 feet tall, stretching around 15 or 20 feet wide. The walls from the outside where beige with light blue framed windows. There were many windows, large and clean. It seemed to be one of those windows where you can't see anything inside but you can see everything from the outside. Or it was just the glare from the sun.

The two boys were eager to get in, they looked at their key chain- keys and rushed to the door with their luggage.

Adrien grinned at his friends, "Do you like it?"

"Like it?!" They cried in unison, "IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!"

The boys shared a quick group hug as Nathaniel and Nino thanked Adrien over and over again.

"Wait!" Nathaniel said, "I think I know how to use this key."

Nathaniel walked to the door and placed the bar coded sign on a little black rectangle in the middle of the door handle.

Nino looked at it suspiciously, not believing that was how it worked but a small satisfying click made him understand. Nathaniel pulled the door open, turned around and smiled widely at the guys.

Nathaniel and Nino ran in the house kicking off their shoes as they did. Adrien walked in and took off his shoes, and looked around, somewhat impressed. It was not as grand and fancy as the Agreste Mansion, but it sure felt more cozy and homey. Adrien clicked the door behind him and walked around the house.

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