Awakening Arc: Chapter 4

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I don't own anything except for the OCs.

It was an stormy day on the school where both Akira and Touji were at.

"A typhoon is coming... thought last night felt like a storm." Touji suddenly said to start a conversation with Akira who looked quite bad.

"It felt more like hell..." Groaned Akira... last night sure was chaotic all of a sudden.

"Have you been able to get in touch with Hokuto?"


Akira was still in his own thoughts about the last thing he heard from Hokuto.

It sure leaved an impact on him. Akira just simply weakly sighed while putting a hand to his face, feeling pretty horrible for making Hokuto cry like that.

"I wouldn't ask her anything detailed, but it'd be good to know if she's safe." Touji sighed, despite Akira telling him little of what happend after he got washed away he could still guess that what happend wasn't pretty if Akira was like this. "What about your childhood friend?

"I sent her a mail, but she didn't respond to her cellphone. I'll try going to her house." Akira said now having the priority of making sure that Natsume was fine.

"Yeah... that other kid seems to be set on her course." Said Touji, knowing that Suzuka will use her for her ritual.

"She seems to want to bring her brother back to life... There's no way that failed attempt of a ritual could bring someone back to life..." Akira said still not believing that failed creation of his ancestor could give a good result.

"Afterwards... I looked into it, but... Do you know about the last rite that Tsuchimikado Yakou performed?" Akira raised a brow at what Touji asked.

"Yeah... it's purpose is a mystery, but it's failure caused a huge amount of evil spirits to pleague Tokyo." Akira tells to Touji. "That's what made the Tsuchimikado clan being an outcast, despite that they used to be on the lead of the League. That girl seems to be set on it."

Touji then said. "It's a mystical art which deals with the lost souls from the beyond. What's more, there's a lot of Onmyojis and Magus that thinks Yakou succeeded."

"But, Yakou died performing the ritual!" Akira exclaimed while slaming his fist on the table.

Touji responded. "Transmigration of souls. The genius Onmyoji, Tsuchimikado Yakou, by the use of the great mystical arts, he was able to transfer his own soul."

Transfered his soul?

That question crossed the mind of Akira, he then remembered the words of Suzuka. "You might have lost the memories of your former life but you'll surely you'll remember them. Since the former you carried out successfully."

"Wait!! When she said "you"... she couldn't have meant..." Gasped Akira now getting on the issue.

"Right. Your elders must have been hiding it from you. But it's a popular rumor in the magical circles, right? "Tsuchimikado Yakou transferred his soul" and what's more." Akira absorbed every bit of info Touji was giving... he was right, even among the western mages there was a rumor of Yakou's reincarnation. But he stopped thinking to listen to Touji. ""His onmyo arts will blossom in the future in his line, in the descendants of the Tsuchimikado clan.""

Akira was shocked at learning about this. "Natsume... is Yakou's reincarnation!?"

Such news were shocking for Akira... to know that his childhood friend was the reincarnation of the Tsuchimikado's fall.

Suddenly, Akira's cellphone rang.

"I got an mail..." Akira said checking on his cellphone.

"Is it Hokuto?" Asked Touji.

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