"I think I'm going to pass out," I responded. I felt breathless, like I was drowning, gulping for air but I still couldn't get any.

"It's okay if you do," he said, "because I'm about to give you anesthesia anyway."

"Why?" I coughed. "Don't you just have to give me stitches?"

"Well, yes," he said, "but wouldn't you rather be unconscious so you don't have to feel the pain?"

"Yeah," I admitted. He connected an IV to my arm and started pumping anesthesia into me. I closed my eyes and drifted away into a state of unconsciousness...

I woke up slowly and groggily, like someone who had gotten super drunk the night before waking up with a bad hangover. I lifted my head a little bit, then plopped it back down on the pillow. The fluorescent lights were blinding. "Wakey wakey," Bruce said from beside me. I turned to him with my eyes still squinted. "Is it over?"

"Yes. It's over." He pulled up my shirt sleeve to show me a fresh set of stitches and clean arm, no blood anymore. My whole body was clean.

"How... wait, who changed me out of my suit?" I asked, my words slurring together a bit because I was still recovering from the anesthesia. "Harley did," Bruce flashed a tiny smile. "He came in a little bit before I started stitching you up and I asked him to change you into some clothes. It's a lot easier to work with than your suit."

I blushed thinking about Harley changing me into different clothes. And I'm clean... so does that mean...

"Don't worry, he just wiped you down with a wet cloth, he didn't bathe you." Bruce read my mind.

"Oh. Okay. Um, thanks for not letting me die."

He chuckled, "It's what I do."

I saw someone pass by the doors through the little circular window. They paused for a minute, then came in. It was Harley and Mr. Stark.

"Hi," I said shyly. "Hey, you doing okay?" Harley sat on the edge of my bed and wiped my hair out of my face. "Yeah," I smiled, "I'm fine."

"Good to know," he smiled back.

I would have kissed him if I could.

Tony was talking to Natasha and Rhodey, who was in a bed across from me. He must have come in while I was still unconscious. "Hey bud," he came over to me after a little bit. "Bruce did good on you?"

"Yeah," I said and showed him the stitches. "Ouch," he winced. "Must've hurt."

"It did," I nodded my head.

Bruce and Tony both left and it was just me and Harley, sitting on my bed. "Thanks for, uh, changing me into clothes," I said with a hint of embarrassment. "Of course," he kissed me on the cheek. We both had totally forgotten about Natasha and Rhodey, who were sitting there watching the whole thing.

"Aw," Natasha gawked. "I wish I had a relationship like you two do."

"One can only wish," Rhodey agreed and turned over in his bed.

Me and Harley silently laughed with each other and he curled beside me. "I'm so glad you're okay," I told him, "I was worried about you."

"You were worried about me?" He scoffed. "I was worried about you. That's kind of the whole point of why I stole an Iron Man suit."

"You're so brave," I booped his nose. I lowered my voice and whispered, "And you looked really sexy in that Iron Man suit."

"Oh shut up, you wear spandex. The whole world knows what a great ass you have."

"Harley James Keener!" I exclaimed and he shrugged. "Am I wrong?" He laughed.

"I just don't really like the idea of people staring at my butt."

"They don't. They also stare at your crotch." I pushed him away and he giggled. "Kidding, I'm kidding."

"Whatever." I pulled him in and we kissed quickly and quietly, not long enough for Natasha or Rhodey to see, but long enough for both of our hearts to go crazy.


(A/N so finally things are getting better again. more uwus and cute moments to come! I said this a while ago but remember, this book is coming to an end soon :( but don't worry because I'm 99.9% sure I'll be doing a sequel, so stay tuned ;) don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me so you never miss an update! love you all and I appreciate all of you so much! thanks for reading and the continued support.)

bye for now

•2,077 words•

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