"Will do," Alex smiled in a way that made Rosanna feel warm and fuzzy inside the way a good love ballad does at sunset.

  A smile made its way to her cheeks as Alex walked over with two plates topped with a cheeseburger and homemade chips each.

  "Matt's recipe," Alex smiled as he gently placed the better looking plate of the two in front of Rosanna. "Cause I know it's yer favourite."

Rosanna grinned and tucked her hair behind her ears as Alex sat down across from her with his own plate. He always remembered the small details that even she herself had forgotten about herself.

"Now, before you taste it and be absolutely disappointed," Alex said as he sat down, "it's gonna be no where near as good as Matt's but I did try."

"I know you did," Rosanna smiled and shuffled her seat forward, feeling her foot graze by Alex's leg. They both looked up and locked eyes at the brief contact.

"Well, uh," Alex looked at the table like he had no idea what to do and so looked to Rosanna. "Bon appétit?" he smiled sheepishly.

Rosanna chuckled and dug into her food as Alex just watched and waited for her critique.

"What are you just gonna watch me?" Rosanna asked right before taking a bite of the burger Alex prepared.

  He blinked a couple of times to regain his composure and apologised. "Right, sorry. I'm sorry if it's shite."

  Rosanna rolled her eyes and bit into the burger, brushing her foot against Alex's leg once again this time, deliberately. She looked up and saw Alex still staring at her and covered her face.

  "Alex," she laughed, trying to finish her mouthful. "Stop fucken watching me."

  "I'm sorry," Alex said and nervously ran his fingers through his hair.

  "It's good," Rosanna said once she had swallowed. She had sauce on her chin that made her look all the more adorable to Alex who, despite being told off, still would not take his eyes off her. His expression showed how much that one bite meant to him like he was an open book.

  "It is!" Rosanna laughed after Alex gave her an unsure look. He felt her hook both her legs around one of his in a move of affection that made the corner of Alex's lips tilt upwards. "How's studio stuff?"

"Aight," Alex nodded and rocked their legs side to side under the table.

  "That's it?" Rosanna said.

  He chuckled in response, "sorry. Yeah it's been good. Written a bit more with the guys and got a few instrumental patterns but its all still in the works."

  "What's the sound this time?" she inquired.

  "If it were a drink, 'AM' would be a shot and this one would be whisky," Alex said.

  "That yer way of telling me to wait and see?" Rosanna said and cocked one of her eyebrows at him.

  Alex smiled up at her, "maybe."

  Insisting on helping him, Rosanna and Alex squeezed into his kitchen washing up the dishes after they'd eaten. It was nowhere near as big as the kitchen they used to share in Los Angeles but reminded them of it either way. The casual brushing passed each other, weaving between each other's limbs to grab bits and pieces off counter tops and dish racks. Childish giggles when bumping into one another. But most of all, one of them rinsing off the dishes in the sink whilst the other crept up behind them and slithered their arms around the other's waist.

This time it was Rosanna with her hands under the running tap as Alex crept his hands around her from behind. The warmth of his back pressing against hers sent a shot of serenity through her viens. It all felt so right. To have him so close, holding her so close their breathing matched up and their hearts beat at the same time.

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now