the twelfth chapter

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" i pulled into town in a police car, your daddy said i took it just a little too far "

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" i pulled into town in a police car, your
daddy said i took it just a little too far "


July 17th, 1977
12:30 pm

The kids got approximately three hours of sleep before Phoebe's alarm went off to start cleaning up the disaster that was her house.

The boys groaned and peeled themselves off of couches and the girls reluctantly forced themselves out of bed.

They cleaned from eight am until noon, with the help of the Andrews cleaning crew, which the teens all pitched in an extra tip for their inconvenience.

Those who were going home got a ride with Holden. Which pretty much meant everybody but Phoebe.

This time, Charlie went home to see his family. It had been awhile, and the other night before he and Margot went over to Phoebe's, his sisters called the Taylor's house asking if he would be home for his birthday on Sunday; he couldn't say no to them.

The car ride back to Holden's and Margot's was quiet, except for the hissing and the clinking of Margot's lighter as she fiddled with it nervously.

"You good, Gogo?" Holden raised his brow while glancing over at her.

She nodded, closing the lighter once more and stuffing it into her jeans, "I'm good. I'm just worried,"

"About?" He pressed for her to go on.

"About Phoebe and Charlie. I don't want Phoebe to get in shit because I threw a party at her house for Charlie."

"Was it really for Charlie? Or did you just want an excuse to hook up with Shooter?" Holden bit his lip and stuttered, "Did...did you hook up with Shooter?"

The dark haired girl rolled her eyes and took an inhale off of her cigarette, "Yes it was for Charlie. I wanted to take his mind off the whole thing at home and make him feel normal." She admitted, blowing the smoke out of her mouth.

"You're a really good friend, Gogo." Holden looked over at her but she was staring out the window.

"Thanks," She said plainly.

"I mean it, I really don't know what I'd do without you." He complimented.

A slight smile curved on her face and she turned to face him, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek then laying her head on his arm, "I don't know what you'd do without me either."

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