the first chapter

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" i like smokin and lightin "

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" i like smokin and lightin "


June 3rd, 1977
8:58 pm

The room is filled with smoke as music pumps through the speakers. Three friends sit around in a circle talking and laughing about anything and everything. The blonde gestures with her hands to lower everyone's volumes as she prepares to speak,

"Woah, man my hands feel like static." She says wide-eyed staring down at her hands flipping them over to examine them better. Laughter comes to the left of her as the shaggy haired brunette begins to mimic the blonde's actions,

"Phoebe, you're cut off." He leans back in onto his palms looking up at the ceiling watching it spin. With that Margot and Holden come downstairs with two armfuls of junk food. Margot and Holden set all the goodies down on the coffee table in front of the other three teens.

"Shaggy you need a haircut, man." Margot laughs opening up a soda can. Holden takes a seat on the arm chair and pulls Margot into his lap,

"Get bent, Gogo," Charlie groans scooping up a bag of pop rocks,

"What did I say about the nickname, Oz?"
She shoots him a glare sipping on her soda.

"Just deal with it, Gogo." Nick says through a mouthful of popcorn. Phoebe rolls her eyes leaning back against the couch,

"And why is it that we're sitting in Price's basement on a Friday night instead of doing something."

"Hey, my basement isn't that bad!" Holden says taking the pop can from Margot,

"She didn't say it was bad, it's just that we're always down here." Margot huffs leaning back against Holden.

"Exactly!" Phoebe exclaims, "Man sitting down here blows. Let's get into some trouble." She says jumping onto the couch,

"C'mon who's with me?" She grins widely down at her best friends with a hopeful look in her eyes,

"I'm with you, Pheebs," Margot smiles getting off of Holden's lap and hopping onto the couch beside Phoebe grabbing her hand.

"I'm in." Holden says setting the can down on the table.

"Pfft, man of course you're in if Gogo's in." Charlie rolls his eyes as he pushes himself off of the ground. Embarrassment spreads over Holden's face,

"Shut up, Oz."

Margot furrows her brows but decides not to go in on the subject, "So, Oz are you in?"

"Only if Nova is in," The group all turns to look at Nick who was preoccupied by the kaleidoscope held up to his eye. He lets out a low, cliché stoner chuckle,

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