the eleventh chapter

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" you can dance, you can jive       having the time of your life  "

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" you can dance, you can jive
having the time of your life "

July 16th, 1977
10:37 pm

"Oh, no, no, no, that is worth more than your life!" Phoebe yelled, running over to grab a vase that was being tossed around like a football.

She huffed, walking towards Margot and Charlie, with the vase cradled in her arms, "If anything gets broken, ruined, stained, or damaged in anyway. It's on my head, Gogo! And then, I'm gonna be on your head!" She blonde tried to threaten.

"Pheebs, I'm not entirely sure what you're threatening me right now, but I'm not scared of you." Margot chuckled, sipping her beer.

The blonde rolled her eyes and look up at Charlie, "Can you just make sure your jock friends don't destroy anything in my house?"

"I can't be responsible for what they do," Charlie answered with a shrug.

Phoebe narrowed her eyes and positioned the vase safely in one arm, poking Charlie in the chest with her free hand, "Well that's your job for the night, Charles. Hostess's orders." She turned on her heel and went towards the stairs, probably to hide more valuable items in her parents room that she kept locked.

Margot looked up at Oz and they began laughing.

"Did you see how red her face was?" Margot laughed,

"Oh, man, I could've sworn steam was coming out of her ears." Oz laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Margot leaned comfortably into his side as they leaned against the back of the couch observing the party.

"Gogo, you are so dead if something goes wrong." Oz re-informed the girl who was well aware of her fate,

"Oz, stop talking like that. I'll be fine, nothing bad is gonna happen." She rolled her eyes, speaking positively, "Why aren't you drunk? I'm throwing this party for you."

"Oh, this is for me?" He raised his eyebrow with a grin, "Are you sure it's not just a coincidence that my birthday happens to be tomorrow?"

"Not a coincidence, just very good timing." She grinned, "So by the time that clock strikes midnight, you better be falling on your ass, Oestricher."

"And if I'm not?" He challenged,

"You'll face the consequences."

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