the seventh chapter

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" somebody's gonna hurt someonebefore the night is through "

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" somebody's gonna hurt someone
before the night is through "


July 8th, 1977
11:20 pm

"How'd I let you talk me into this?" Phoebe said to Charlie as he and Nick were preparing to flip Phoebe upside down to drink from the keg.

"Cause you were already keen to do it," Charlie said, grabbing her by the hips.

Phoebe placed the tap in her mouth and grabbed the rim of the metal cylinder.

Nick grabbed Phoebe's legs and prepared to hoist her up,

"Ready, Pheebs?" Nick asked.

The blonde gave a quick thumbs up and was lifted so she was doing a handstand on the keg.

Holden had his arm wrapped around Margot, who was holding a joint up to his lips. The two stood in the side lines as the rest of the party counted the seconds Phoebe was able to stay up.

Margot held the joint to Holden's lips and stayed nuzzled into his side.

"I know I'm a teenager, but I'll never understand teenagers." She said taking the blunt from Holden's lips and placing them between her own.

"What do you mean?" He asked blowing out the smoke.

"Like, what's the appeal of turning upside down and drinking from a keg? What is the appeal of any of this shit? Why is it that your teenage years define the rest of your life? It's the worst time of your life when you're living it, but as soon as you're out of it, you would give anything to go back." Margot said staring at the campfire to her right.

Holden stayed speechless, half because he wasn't sure or what to say and the other half because he hadn't processed what she had said yet.

"That's too much pressure, you know? It makes me feel like I have to be living my life to the fullest. Like every night has to be better than the last." Margot took another hit of the joint before handing it to Holden.

"Have you felt like you've been a teenager? Like all the typical high school drama, first love, getting hammered, sneaking out, near death? I'm seventeen! When you're seventeen you're supposed to be madly in love with somebody, you're supposed to be thinking that they're the one. The only one. Hell, I don't love anything. The closest thing I've ever been to loving anything is when I listened to Black Sabbath for the first time!" Margot rambled on.

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