Chapter 50 { The picnic }

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" you think too much, don't you?" He asked

" it's true, being pregnant is hard" I sighed he chuckled before pecking my lips.

" It might be a hard baby, but in 3 more months when we will see our baby,  it will be all worthy, right? Not to mention you look as breathtaking as ever" isn't he so sweet? and he is right, seeing the baby, will make all pains I have ever felt disappear.

" let's go, shall we?" He asked and I nodded taking his hand in mine. we started making our way towards where the lake is. since it was quite away from here, we decided we will leave in Asher's car.

We got there just in time, I could smell Hunter's scent and two other unfamiliar scents. It might be his mate and son. I feel really excited.

We got out of the car, and we were immediately welcomed by them. Wow... I know Hunter is super handsome which is why I must say his mate is a perfect match for him. She is really beautiful, she just looks like a model. And looking at their cute little son, he is so cute. They are really a perfect family.

We started walking closer to them until we were only a few meters away.

I was first to talk

" I am really glad that you came with your family Hunter, it is really nice to see you all " I smiled at them which they returned it

" Thanks, Luna for inviting us, this is Helen my mate and my son Daniel

Helen this is Luna and Asher " Hunter introduced us, I offered her a handshake, but instate she gave me a warm hug.

" I heard a lot about you, I am sorry for what happened to you because of me. You were through a lot" she apologized sincerely. I hugged her back.

" don't mention it please, what happened happened. Let's not think about it anymore " we backed away

She then looked over to Asher

" Hunter told me a lot about you, it is really a pleasure to meet you," she said offering Asher a handshake, Asher accepted the offer while smiling warmly at her.

" The pleasure is all mine, it is nice to meet you too," Asher said and I was really thankful he wasn't acting cold

I looked down to the little boy before kneeling in front of him

" How are you, young man ?" I asked him he was shy hiding behind his mother's leg

So cute!!!

" go talk to her, Daniel " he then started to come closer to me still looking shy

" aren't you so handsome? did you know Daniel is a name for the best boys in the world?" I asked and the poor boy face became tomato

I reached for my bag as I brought out a lollipop

" do you like a lollipop? " he nodded shyly

" People are calling me lollipop-fairy, it makes no sense. But I always have lollipops With me and I give it to cute kids, like you " I gave it to him and he took it before getting behind his mother again.

" so let's start our picnic, shall we ?"I said, excited to get to know Helen more. They nodded and our day together started.

I don't lie, although what Hunter did was not right. But anyone in his place would have done the same. And not to mention it might have been as hurtful for him as it was for the rest of us. I just hope Asher and Hunter will at least have a small chat.
Asher P.O.V

2 hours passed and Luna decided she will take Helen and Daniel, so they will have a tour inside our territory. I hesitated to allow her to go, but it is my territory, everywhere is highly protected, so I convinced myself to let her go.

Right now to the awkward moment, i was sitting silently and Hunter was right beside me. None of us uttered a word until Hunter decided to break the silence.

" your pack has really grown strong," he said and I nodded


" your mate is pregnant? I am really happy for you. being a father is the best feeling in the world, do you know what you are expecting?"

" thank you and no, Luna said she want it to be a surprise so we let it be" to my surprise i actually replied

" look, Asher, I am really sorry again for everything I have done. I was always high watched by Amon and he could read my mind, so I had no choice, but to follow his orders" I clenched my fist

" I can't say it's fine, but I might have done the same as you did. After you woke up and you were saved from your death, why didn't you came back to the pack?" I asked him, deciding to release what is in my mind

" I-I couldn't... you killed me and I thought that you don't want to see me again after knowing I was responsible for our parents' death," he said, his voice was full of  sadness

" you weren't the reason, don't think that way" I sighed

" you know what? what happened is now in the past, we were both victims of Amon cruelty. I  can't forget how you hurt my Luna but.." I looked over to him with a small smile

" We can start over again, like being friends," I told him, he stared at me before nodding smiling. " that would be great, I am really thankful, thank you"

" you will leave tomorrow?" I asked

" yeah, I will go to the UK and start a new life there, out of troubles" I sighed

" will you come to visit?" I asked

" I will, but when, I don't know. At least now I have someone to visit " he said and I nodded before touching my pocket. I brought a paper out and handed it to him.

He watched me confused and when he read the details in the paper his eyes widened

" 50 Million Dollars?!" He asked

" yeah... I figured out you might need that" I told him

" I can't accept it," he said as he returned the paper to me

" it's not like I am giving you a gift, it is part of your share in the company. after all, you are still my older brother by law"

" still, it is too much," he said trying to refuse it again

" look, it's your money, not mine. You were the one helped me in building that company in the first place, so it's your right, please take it " he hesitated but eventually took the paper

" thank you, you know just getting the second chance from you, was enough and it worth more than anything else in this world " I smiled at him

" l am happy that my only family in the past didn't actually betray me, so the second chance is well deserved " that is the truth, no one knows how relieved I am now thinking that he didn't actually betray me for Amon

I saw Luna and Helen coming back, she looked at me with a smile and waved her hand at us

What would I do without that beautiful smile in my life

' I don't know, what would I do without that handsome smile in my life ?' I heard her voice in my head, making me realize that I am actually smiling at her, I shook my head but smiled at her again.

She is my everything, and thanks to her my family is growing every day. I just feel like the luckiest person in this world.


The picture above is Helen's character. So you wouldn't mistake it for Luna. I will just let Luna be for your imaginations.

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