Music video

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Monday morning there was a bit of tension in the house. Beca was mad that everyone thought that she was wrong for what she said to Emily. Maybe she was but she was too stubborn to admit it. Emily was too upset to talk to Beca. At breakfast no one was talking and the only sound you could hear was the utensils hitting the plates.

Bryce cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "So about this music video. What ideas do you kids have?" They looked at him then each other trying to silently argue over who will tell him.

"Well I was thinking we have our friends in the music video along with Stacie." Jesse finally piped up.

"Wait Stacie's gonna be in the video?" Sofia asked with a slight smile.

"Yep, she is and I'm not." Beca said in a harsh tone.

"Watch your tone young lady." Bryce warned.

"Why am I the one getting yelled at?! Why is everyone in this house mad at me for trying to protect my sister?!" Beca yelled looking around the table.

"Because you aren't thinking about how Emily feels about this! You're just doing things without thinking that this was her choice!" Jesse yelled.

"You two, stop yelling in my house." Bryce told the two with a stern voice.

"Don't do that Bryce. Just don't." Sofia warned.

"Do what?"

"Just don't." Sofia said as she was getting up.

"No this isn't gonna end with you saying 'just don't'. Sofia they're my kids too. I have every right to tell them to quit fighting."

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that.....maybe you should lay off my kids." Sofia said a bit quiet at the end.

"They are not just your  kids Sofia. They're mine too!!"

"Bryce I swear I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." Sofia said and Bryce sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"I-I'm sorry." Emily whispered but was loud enough for everyone at the kitchen table to hear.

"For what? You didn't do anything." Jesse said looking at her.

"I'm the reason you're all fighting. You and Beca  are fighting over my love life and mom and dad are fighting because you and Beca are fighting." Emily looked down at her hands before she ran upstairs to her room.

"This is all your fault Becs." Jesse glared at his twin before getting up to clean his plate.

Emily rode to school in Jessica's car along with Ashely, Beca, Jesse and Bryce drove in their own separate cars. When they got to school everyone knew something was up with the four but everyone thought best to let them deal with it as a family. At lunch Emily went to sit with Stacie instead of her usual group if friends which was when Amy intervened.

"Shawshank? What's up with your sister today?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Beca said looking at the table.

"I do. Emily isn't here because Beca decided to disown her own sister." Jesse said looking at Beca.

"Why would you disown Emily?" Chloe asked her brunette girlfriend.

"Because she just wants to make the same mistake over and over again. She doesn't understand that she might get hurt!" Beca yelled out her answer.

"You mean her getting back together with Stacie?" Aubrey asked.

"Yes. She doesn't get that she might get hurt."

"Yes, maybe but you're her sister. She has to know that she's always got you." Aubrey told the brunette who began to think about what Aubrey said while the whole table was trying to process the new information.

"Wait a minute, how did you know about Emily getting back together with Stacie?!" Chloe asked confused.

"I'm the one who got them back together." Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "Before you guys yell at me, think about how happy Emily is when she's with Stacie." Everyone nodded in agreement even Beca.

"'re right but if Emily gets hurt...Beca trailed off.

"She won't. I promise." Beca turned around to see Stacie holding Emily's hand. Beca smiled and nodded.

"You better not hurt her again." Beca said with a stern look. Stacie nodded and Emily smiled.

"Okay, now that this is cleared up. Can we talk about this music video?" Bumper said ruining the moment.

"Right, the music video. We'll shoot it out on the school lawn and we're all gonna be in it. Mostly Emily and Stacie since this is a love song." Jesse explained.

"Why not show more of my bomb beauty?" Amy whined.

"This ain't your song." Cynthia said with a 'are you serious?' voice.

"Okay so it's agreed. After school we all meet on the lawn to shoot this thing." Beca smiled and everyone nodded.

After school everyone was waiting on Fat Amy and Beca.

"Where the hell are they?!" Jesse yelled.

"Beca said she'll be a bit late." Chloe chimed in.

"Thirty minutes late?" Emily asked.

"We're here!!" Amy yelled as she and Beca ran towards the group.

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