Bumper's party

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At lunch everyone was having a normal conversation with occasional glares from Beca to one of the people at the table. That's when Bumper and Tom who were the only ones missing at the table showed up.

"Okay weirdos today is Friday and Beca's first track meet is tomorrow. Which means party at my house." Bumper said as he and Tom sat down.

"Is it wise to have a party the day before a meet?" Aubrey asked the short brunette.

"Don't worry, it's a controlled party. Bumper's uncle is always there to keep an eye us." Emily assured the blonde.

"It's just to pump the whole school up before the track team's first meet." Tom explained.

"I remember my first meet with my alien." Lilly whispered to which only Flo could hear.

"Okay, moving on from crazy girl's creepy comment. This is the most important party of the year as it marks the beginning of the tournaments and competitions." Flo said after giving Lilly a weird look.

"That's true. After the track meet the volleyball team has to play it's first game of the tournament. This party is a way to let loose." Emily added.

"So you're going to the party?" Stacie asked the brunette.

"I never miss Bumper's parties. The whole school goes."

"So I guess I'll be hanging with you at the party." Stacie smiled getting closer and closer to Emily until they jumped apart when Beca cleared her throat.


The kids got up and just as Stacie was about to say something to Emily when Beca interrupted. "Come on Em, I'll walk you to class." Beca offered.

"Thanks Beca but our next classes are on different sides of the school. I'll walk with Stacie since her next class is next to mine." Emily smiled at her sister then she and Stacie walked out the cafeteria to their next classes.

"Is it me or does Beca all of a sudden hate me." Stacie said with concern.

"She doesn't hate you. She's just over protective. It's just that anyone who flirts with me like you're doing right now, is always using me. Either to be close with Beca and Jesse or because they made a bet with someone. Beca just doesn't want me to get hurt." Emily explained.

Stacie stopped Emily in her tracks then looked her straight in the eye. "Emily I want you to know that I will never do that to you. I promise you that." Emily smiled and gave Stacie a hug.

"I know you won't. See you after school 'Hunter'" Emily said as she waved and Stacie smiled at the nickname Emily gave her.

After school rolled by and it was time for the volleyball team to start practice.

"Okay, as you can see I divided you girls into teams and the captain for team red is Alexia and for team blue is Emily. This exercise is mostly to test Emily and Alexia's leadership skills." Miss Downey explained to the girls.

At the end of practice the coach was giving her evaluation. "Okay both teams played well. Congrats to team blue for the win but the captain for Wednesday's game will be Alexia. You girls can go change, have fun at Bumper's party and I'll pick my line up after Monday's practice." The girls walked to the showers, changed then walked out the school building.

"I'm confused" Stacie piped up when her and Emily walked out the school doors.


"Why didn't you get picked to be captain?"

"That exercise wasn't to see if I am a better captain than Eiffel, it was to see if I could make a good enough captain to replace her next year."

"Oh, now I get it. You want a ride home?"

"Yes, please."

They got into Stacie's car and she drove Emily to her house and like last time they saw Beca  waiting at the driveway. Stacie shrugged it off and went home to get ready for the party.

Everyone was dancing, singing talking and laughing at the party. Stacie was talking to Chloe, Aubrey and Benji.

"Beca hates me. I don't know how to get her to like me."

"Stace, Beca doesn't hate you. She loves Emily with all her heart and the thought of anyone hurting Emily in anyway just makes her defensive and protective." Benji explained.

"So what do I have to do to get her comfortable with me hanging out with Emily?"

"That's the easy part. All you have to do is nothing, Emily will talk to her or Beca will see how much you mean to Emily. Stacie smiled at Benji then walked to Emily.

They sat at a quiet spot outside the house and talked about God knows what. Stacie said something to make Emily laugh and Stacie couldn't stop starting at the younger brunette.

"What?" Emily asked with a smile. Stacie moved closer to her, looked her in the eye and took her hand in hers.

"You look beautiful when you laugh." Stacie said making Emily blush. They got closer and closer till they met in the middle with a soft kiss. They pulled away with smiles on their faces then walked back to the rest of their friends hand in hand.

"And where were you two baby giraffes at?" Cynthia asked the two.

"Can't you see? Stacie was making Legacy blush that's why she looks like a tomato." Fat Amy teased.

"Stacie, can you come with me please?" Beca asked.

"Sure?" Stacie replied confused but followed Beca to the juice bar.

"Okay look, to me nothing means more than family and even though Emily was not born my sister, I love her like she was. When she's happy I'm happy and you make her really happy. So now I want you to promise me that you're busy holding hands with her because you like her not because you have some heart breaking ulterior motives."

"I promise." Stacie said looking at Emily across the room then Beca.

"Good cause I really don't want to hate you legs." Beca smiled then they walked back to the rest of the group.

They enjoyed their party, Beca won her first track meet and Stacie was picked to be a starter with Emily for first their volleyball match

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