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Beca was sitting on the couch exhausted from her night. She was waiting for Emily and Stacie to show up with their celebratory pizza. Aubrey, Jesse and Chloe were getting changed upstairs.

They had just gotten back from the Grammy Award ceremony and Beca was beat. She had to perform a song with Emily and give out an award. They also won their own awards hence the celebratory pizza.

"This night was awesome! " Jesse yelled running down the stairs.

"Of cause you think it was awesome. You directed the video that won the Grammy Award for best music video. " Aubrey said walking down the stairs with Chloe.

"Yeah,  yeah,  whatever " Jesse said taking a seat next to his sister.

"Where are Stacie and Emily?  I highly doubt it takes this long to get two pizzas. " Aubrey said and went to open the door to look outside.

"They're probably stuck in traffic. " Beca said from the couch.

"They're not stuck in traffic. " Aubrey said and looked at the short brunette.

"Well then where are they blondie? " Beca asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Outside in Stacie's car about to start making out. "  Aubrey said making Beca frown.

"Not on my watch. " Beca said before getting up and storming towards the car and startling the couple. The six of them shared a huge house together and Beca still found it hard to accept that her baby sister was old enough to 'have fun'.  Even though Emily was only a year younger, Beca treated her like she was a decade younger. Emily though it was sweet but sometimes it would piss her off.

Beca walked back into the house with both Emily and Stacie glaring at her. She was holding both pizzas while Stacie was holding the soda and Emily was holding a tub of ice cream.

"You really need to stop acting like Emily is a naive six year old babe. " Chloe said looking at Beca with her arms folded.

"Thank you. I'm 23 years old dummy I can do whatever I want. " Emily said before she and Stacie went upstairs to get changed.

When they got back down they found one box of pizza boxes already open.

"Thanks for waiting for us. " Stacie said sarcastically before sitting on the love seat with Emily and grabbing two slices of pizza for her and Emily.

They sat down and they all watched a movie. After pizza and the movie they went up to their shared rooms.

When Beca and Chloe got to their room Chloe shut the door and looked at her girlfriend. "Hey babe, why are you always acting like your sister isn't old enough to be doing what she's doing? "

"Because she's not. She's too young. " Beca said before jumping into bed.

"But she's old enough to have a job?  Beca she's literally only one year younger than you. " Chloe said looking at Beca like she was insane.

"I guess your right. I'm just used to Emily always coming to me complaining about childish things,  I guess I wasn't ready for her to grow up so fast. " Beca shrugged.

"You are honestly the sweetest sister on earth, I hope you know that ,but it's not like Emily is completely grown up,  she still likes watching The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." Chloe smiled making Beca laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. " Beca said before the two went to sleep.

The next morning Beca woke up early to make everyone pancakes. When they all woke up they were surprised to see that Beca made breakfast.

"Are you by any chance feeling okay? " Stacie asked as she sat down to eat.

"Yeah, why? " Beca asked.

"You're not really one to make breakfast babe. " Chloe smiled.

"It's an 'I'm sorry for being such and asshat' breakfast for Emily and Stacie."

"Ampolofy accemfted." Emily said with a mouth full of pancakes. Stacie nodded and they had their breakfast.

A few months later the six were at a reunion with their highschool friends. They were in their home town at the hotel they went to for their graduation after parties.

Amy was yelling at Beca for God knows what and everyone else was just smiling at them. They were all weirdos but they were all a family and they stuck together no matter what. That's how their friendship worked and why it was so special.


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