Nice to meet you

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It had been a few weeks since Emily found out about Stacie and Aubrey along with Alexia began to execute their plan.

Emily was by her locker with Jessica and Ashely. They were talking about their next classes when Emily opened her locker and a paper note fell out.

"Looks like someone's got a love letter." Jessica cooed. "Who's it from?"

"Not sure, I've been getting them for the past few weeks though." Emily shrugged knowing very well who it came from.Ashley took the paper and opened it.

She read through the note and started smiling. "Well whoever this secret admirer of yours is, they really know the best way to win you over."

"What're you talking about?" Emily asked the girl.

"The only way to your heart. Which is not flowers, chocolate or fancy gifts for some weird reason." She was cut off by Emily's laughter. "Okay, I'll shut up then." Ashely pouted then the bell rang.

The day went by as usual except for the fact that Alexia and Aubrey were acting a bit weird but everyone just shrugged it off. Everyone was leaving the school when Emily got a text from Alexia asking her to meet her at the gym.

"You guys go ahead, I'll see you at home." Emily said looking at her siblings.

"You sure?" Jesse asked the girl.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna meet with Eiffel then I'll go home."

"Okay then. Just don't get kidnapped." Beca smiled.

"No promises." Emily said before heading to the gym.

When she got there she didn't see anyone so she texted Alexia to see where she was.

Emily😎: Where are you????

Eiffel😜: At the gym. You?

Emily😎: Also at the gym but I don't see you.

Eiffel😜: But I can see you.

Emily😎: From where??

Eiffel 😜: Right behind you.

Emily looked behind her expecting to see Alexia but instead she saw Stacie with her hands in her pockets looking like she had been crying for the past few weeks.

"What're doing here?" Emily glared.

"I wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn't have made that bet. There's no excuse in the world that could justify what I did to you. You deserve better and I wish I had realized that sooner and I regret that I didn't."

"Is that it?" Emily asked a bit annoyed.

"Emily I know that nothing that I say to you will make up for what I did but I just wanted you to know that you're perfect and a lot of jerks like me would want to get with you just to get a prize but you should know that out there there's the perfect person for you. Someone who would do anything to see you happy even if it means that they have to get hurt."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Emily asked less annoyed and more intrigued.

"Alexia Eiffel would sacrifice her own feelings to make you happy. She loves you more than you know. She's the type of person you deserve."

"Eiffel did this?" Emily asked and Stacie nodded. "I need to ask her something." Emily said getting her phone out to text Alexia.

Emily😎: Why did you do this?

Eiffel😜: Because no matter how many times you deny it, you're in love with her.

Emily😎: What about you?

Eiffel😜: Trust me I do love you but not the same way you love Stacie. Plus I got a new crush 😉.

Emily😎: You are a goof.

Eiffel😜: Whatever weirdo. Now stop texting me and patch things up with Stacie.

Emily😎: How do I know she really means it?

Eiffel😜: I don't know. But what I do know is that she's really sorry. She even returned the bet money with interest. Give her a chance.

Emily😎: Okay. I will.

Emily looked up from her phone and looked Stacie straight in the eye.

"Stacie as much as I hate to admit it. Eiffel is always. She knew I wasn't over you so she did this, but Stacie you have to understand that I can't have you break my heart again." Emily said trying to hold back her tears.

"I know and you have to know that I'd never hurt you on purpose but I can't grantee you that I won't hurt you by mistake. I'm not perfect Emily." Stacie's voice cracked and Emily gave her a sad smile.

"You don't have to be perfect. I have to take the good with the bad and your bad makes me appreciate all your good." Emily smiled taking a step closer to Stacie.

"You stole that from one of my notes." Stacie smiled taking a step towards the younger girl.

"You have no proof of that. Look, I can pretend that seeing you in the school hall doesn't affect me but It does and I-" Emily was cut off by Stacie putting her hands on her waist.

"I know you don't want to get hurt so we can take it slow and start all over again." Stacie smiled.

"Hi, my name is Emily. And you are?" Emily smiled getting closer to Stacie.

"My name's Stacie." She smiled as she rested her forehead on Emily's.

"Well Stacie, I know we just met but would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I would love to, actually." Stacie smiled before Emily decided to give her a soft kiss. A kiss that neither of them knew they desperately needed until now. Emily smiled into the kiss before she pulled away.

"I really liked your notes."

"Maybe I'll write one for you everyday then." Stacie smiled at the shorter brunette.

"I would really like that." Emily smiled before she put her arms around Stacie's neck and pulling her in for another kiss.

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