Family Fun Day

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"Wake up Mitchells!!!!!" Bryce yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He heard load thuds then his wife and kids stumbled down the stairs and gave him annoyed looks.

"What are you doing?!" Sofia asked.

"Better question is what were you guys still doing in bed?" Bryce raised an eyebrow.

"Sleeping!!" The kids yelled in unison.

"What?! Why?! Do you kids even know what today is?" Bryce asked.

"Saturday!" They yelled once again.

"It's also Family Fun Day at Barden. The event that we all agreed to attend, together. Where you three agreed to sing."

"Oh!!" The kids finally remembered.

"Why didn't you wake us up?!" Beca yelled.

"Now we're late!!" Jesse added.

"Not cool dad!!" Emily yelled shaking her head. The kids went up stairs to get ready.

"You should've woken them up."  Sofia said as she walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Sorry honey I......wait a minute. When did this become my fault?!" Bryce asked as he walked into the kitchen.

The kids got ready then went downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast the whole family got into Bryce's car and he drove them Barden High. The kids went to the stage to see when their performance was scheduled.

"Okay, so the concert is at the end of the day and you three are the last act so you have the whole day to have some fun." Miss Downey who was in charge back stage told the three.

The three went to find their friends for a hang out session before their performance. When they got there Jesse was the first to wish Aubrey a happy birthday. He handed her the  letter then walked away like a coward.

"What's this?" Aubrey asked Jesse's siblings.

"Just read it." Beca said as she went to hug Chloe and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's a birthday note." Emily said as Stacie kiss her forehead and Emily caught Alexia glaring and shaking her head.

"Hey babe, wanna go play a few games before the concert?" Stacie whispered into the younger brunette's ear. Emily grinned and nodded her head.

"Oy Beca, me and Stacie are gonna play a few games." Emily told her sister who was too busy with her own girlfriend.

"Legacy wait. Piece of advice, be careful who you trust with your heart." Alexia said glaring at Stacie then walking away. Stacie rolled her eyes then dragged Emily to the ring toss.

Everyone was enjoying their conversations except for Aubrey who couldn't get a certain brunette boy out of her head. She couldn't take it anymore so she set out to go find him. She saw him sitting by himself on a bench.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked taking the boy out of his thoughts. He shook his head, no and she sat down next to him.

"D-did you like the letter?" Jesse asked a bit nervous.

"I loved it. I never knew you could be so considerate." Aubrey said with a smile.

"Well like I said in my letter, you make me act differently in a good way." Jesse said as both teens blushed.

"I want to say thank you but actions speak louder than words so..." Aubrey said before she leaned in to give the boy a soft kiss making them blush so red that a cherry would be jealous. They pulled away and went to play a few games.

A few hours of fun later it was about time for the concert so the Mitchell kids had to go back stage and their friends went to sit at the front row. They were about to go on when Beca spotted Alexia dragging Stacie somewhere. She was about to investigate but she heard her dad announce their band so she decided to do it after her performance.

"Sup, Barden High!!! I'm Jesse and we're the M trio. Let's do this!" Jesse said as one of Beca's beats played in the background and they started to sing one of Emily's songs.

After the performance Beca went to find Stacie and Alexia. She saw them near a tree and she over heard their conversation.

"Stacie if you don't tell her, I promise you that I will. Alexia threatened.

"And I'll tell her that you're still in love with her yet you were the one who broke up with her." Stacie shot back.

"I don't care anymore. I can handle her being mad at me for still being in love with her but can't handle her being mad at me for letting you break her heart." Alexia said starting to get annoyed.

"I'm not going to break her heart."

"Yes, you are. When she finds out that you were only using her to win a stupid bet-" Alexia got cut off by Stacie.

"Okay, the only way she'll find out is if you tell her. Then she'll be heartbroken and it will be all your fault."

"Okay, please answer this question for me. Do you or don't you love Emily? Keep in mind that if you do, you can't keep the $2000 and if you don't it's all yours." Alexia said looking stern.

Stacie thought for a minute and she almost said she did love Emily but she was in denial. She never went on a date with anyone or had a girlfriend that she could say she was in love with. So she went with the only answer she knew. "Don't.... I don't love Emily."

"Then stay away from my sister!!" Beca yelled finally revealing herself to the two girls.

Beca walked away from them in anger. She walked over to her group of friends still angry and Chloe was the first to notice.

"What's wrong babe? You look tense."

"What do you do when you find out that your friend's girlfriend is only using your friend?" Beca whispered to Chloe.

"You tell your friend."

"Even if you know that they are happiest with their girlfriend?"

"Beca, if this girl doesn't love your friend then your friend isn't in a real relationship. Your friend is just in love with the idea that this certain girl is the love of their life." Chloe explained and even though Beca knew that she would be hurting her little sister, she had to tell her.

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