Cheer up

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Emily was sitting on the couch with Beca, Alexia and Jesse. She sat between Beca and Alexia. The rest of their friends sat on either the love seat or the floor. Emily was telling them what happed and Alexia was trying her best to comfort the girl.

"I can't believe she did this."

"How could she."

"She didn't even think twice."

"Okay, losers we get it! But we won't help Legacy by complaining about it!" Tom yelled at his friends.

"I hate to admit it but the idiot's right. Sitting here and complaining won't make Emily feel better." Donald said.

"Don't bother. I don't think I'll feel better anyway." Emily sighed.

"Legacy I'm gonna be honest with you right now, you are very stupid for thinking that someone at our school could love you for you." Amy said and everyone looked at her wide eyed and Emily was about to start crying again.

"Wait! Listen to me. You're stupid but brave kid. I swear if it were me I'd be afraid of giving my heart to someone but not you. You see the good in everyone even if no one else does and even though I never say this I really admire you Legacy." Amy smiled and walked up to Emily and gave her a big hug.

"Wow Ams, I never knew you could be so sappy." Baca smiled at her friend.

"Shut up Mitchell! Now to cheer you up the Fat Amy way." Amy said as she picked Emily up and threw her over her shoulder. "Your parents are gone and you need a Fat Amy special. That's just pure luck."

"Amy I don't feel like getting drunk right now!" Emily whined as Amy put her down and started looking for ingredients for her special.

"Look, I'm not about to have my favorite Mitchell sulking around all day. So I'm gonna take your mind off Stacie and everything related to love the only way I know how."

"With alcohol and weed?" Beca said as she walked to the two girls.

"You get me Becs." Amy smiled.

"Come on Legacy, it's about time you live a little!" Alexia said as she gave Emily a hug from behind. Everyone ended up crowded around Emily trying to convince her to have a Fat Amy special.

"Fine. I'll regret this but I'll do it." She said as she drank the glass of whatever Amy mixed into her special. They all cheered and each had one glass on Amy's special.

"Trust me Em, you'll be feeling better in no time. Just trust us." Jesse smiled at his sister.

"What I trust you guys to do is get me drunk then get me in trouble with mom and dad." Emily said with a smile.

"At least you'll be too drunk to give a flip when they yell at you." Aubrey said smiling at the girl.

"Did you just say 'flip'?" Beca asked the blonde.

"Yeah, so?"

"Nothing." Baca said with a sigh.

"Okay weirdos let's jug down these drinks and have some fun!!!" Fat Amy yelled with her arms raised.

They drank a few more specials then started listening to music and dancing. They had a few dance offs in which by some weird force, Lilly won all of them. They ran around the house playing silly games like hide and seek. Although they were all mostly drunk out of their minds Alexia had wheels turning in her head the whole time. So when she finally figured out what she was thinking about she asked the only person she knew could help her with her plan.

While everyone was busy playing 'heads up' she dragged Aubrey to the kitchen. "Bree, I need your help."

"With what?"

"I need you to help me get Emily and Stacie back together."

"Are you out of your mind right now? Stacie hurt Emily really bad and now you want to throw Emily back at that liar?" Aubrey was about to leave when Alexia held her wrist.

"Look, I can tell you right now that Emily loves Stacie and I know that you really believed that Stacie loved Emily. I just need you to help me convince Stacie that she's been in love with Emily since the day she laid eyes on her."

"If she really loved Emily, then why make that bet?"

"I think it was because Stacie isn't used to love and she never wanted to be in love. So to prove to the world and herself that she still doesn't want to be in love she...."

"......made a bet but still caught feelings for Emily." Aubrey said finally understanding Alexia's point.

"Wait. Why help Stacie get Emily back? I thought you liked Emily. Why not just swoop in and get her all for yourself?" Aubrey asked while raising an eyebrow.

"When you love someone, set them free." was Alexia's answer before she went to join the rest. Aubrey thought about it and she decided that Alexia was right. She went to join her friends as they were about to play '30 seconds'.

"I need some air,  it's getting stuffy in here. I'll be outside." Beca said as she stood up to leave.

"It's not stuffy I just dropped a smash!!" Amy yelled to the girl who was about to close the front door.

"You know, I didn't think that I would be smiling this much today. Makes me glad that all of you are a really bad influence." Emily smiled.

"Aww. It was our pleasure Legacy. You're always helping us out with our stuff, so now it our our turn to help you out girl." Cynthia said smiling at the younger girl.

"Wait, we're not that bad of an influence, are we?" Tom asked no one I particular.

"Are kidding? We are the worst influence. Most people cheer you up by watching movies with you while we pump you up with alcohol." Bumper said with a smile.

"And I really wouldn't have it any other way." Emily said as she leaned into Aubrey's side.

"Okay, losers can we stop the sweet talk and watch a movie?" Jesse said as he put his arm around Aubrey.

They spent the rest of the day doing all the dumb things that came to their alcohol filled minds.

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