Chapter Two

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I was juggling three files and my boss' coffee on the way back to my desk. I stood at it for a moment, trying to work out how to put the files down without spilling the coffee. I looked between the two for a moment, having a total brain fart. Mondays tended to be like that.

"Em? What are you doing?" I heard him call.

I looked into his office, not sure why I felt so confused. "I..."

"Why don't you bring me the coffee first?" he chuckled, giving me a wide smile.

He was maybe in his mid-forties, a nice sort of young uncle type of guy who I'd got along with really well from my first day going on four years previously.

I nodded and walked into his office, holding out the cup.

"How many have you had today?"

I sighed and plonked down in the proffered chair. "I don't think there's a large enough number for a day like today, Duncan," I replied.

He smiled and leant towards me. "You doing okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

"How's uni?"

I shrugged. "Eh, it goes."

"Last semester's marks out yet?"

"Yeah, two Ds and a C."

"Hey, nice work."

I smiled. "Thanks. I can't afford any more Cs though."

"Ps and Cs make degrees," he teased.

I nodded. "Yeah, until you want to do your PhD. Then, Ps and Cs do not get PhDs."

"Ah, go have some more coffee. Head downstairs if you want for a bit, clear your head. You look like you could use it."

I nodded, standing up. "I'll be ten minutes, tops. You've got that meeting with Mr Ward at eleven."

He sat back and looked at his computer screen. "So I do. What would I do without you?"

"Not need to fake a bad memory," I laughed as I left. I paused at the door. "When's Mr Ward's brother coming in?"

"Not sure, could be today, could be next week."

I nodded. "Super helpful."

Duncan smiled. "Super helpful."

I paused again. "What is it he's doing again?"

Duncan looked thoughtful. "I'll get back to you when I have an answer," he replied slowly with a wry smile and I nodded.

"Nice to see nepotism is still alive and well these days."

Duncan chuckled. "Go get properly caffeinated. One of us needs to stay awake through this meeting."

"Aye, aye, captain." I gave him a mock salute and headed back to my desk.

I dropped the files, picked up my phone and travel mug, and headed downstairs to the conveniently placed coffee shop in the bottom of our building.

"Hey Greta." I smiled at my usual barista.

"Usual, Em?" She smiled back.

I passed her my mug and nodded. "Thanks, hun."

While she made my coffee, I checked the group chat.

"Seriously, guys?" I muttered, scrolling through the forty-nine messages I'd missed while I was working.

God, even Mina had managed to join in between classes. Mind you, her students probably didn't care if she checked her phone on the job. Principal maybe. It was Jess' day off, so that explained her involvement. And, it was only the start of semester, so Dani and Stacey were probably skipping lectures. I was surprised Polly wasn't stuck in her book somewhere. Then, I realised why she wasn't.

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