Chapter 60: Finally

Start from the beginning

She might never see Anna again.



Her parents.

Her family.

Even that demon Hans.

She might never read books, smile again. Never play in the sun with Olaf. Death meant a far distance from the entire world.

"What I want, Jack." She sniffed. Her heart was too tight to retain the tears. So she just let them flow finally. "What I want is for you to tell me everything will be okay. That there's light on the other side. That it'll be better there. That the grasses are greener and the sun is brighter. And I can be with everyone I love at once. I don't want you holding me back. And holding yourself back."

"If we were to get married you'd hold yourself for some time, telling yourself that you're married to a dead girl. And you'll never love again." She began to shake her head. "I don't want you to not love again. You most definitely will. You're young. And you have a full life ahead of you. You will find love. And you will be happier-"

"I know I will." Jack interrupted. "But I bet you, it'll never be as good as us."

"I don't want you to hold back-"

"I will. And then I won't. Because you'll forever be in my mind. I won't regret that. I'll love again, fine. People are widowers. It doesn't mean they never loved their first wives."

Elsa laughed. It would have been funnier if Jack wasn't looking so serious and weepy. "You want me to be your first wife?"

"I want you to be my wife. First or second it doesn't matter. Maybe someone else would come along the way but I need to know that you really were mine."

"Jack, you know I'm yours."

"Then let's prove it. Let's officiate it ourselves. We don't need a priest. My love is strong enough to join us, I beg you. And I know I sound so wimpy and cheesy but I swear I don't know why I just love you so much." His head sank into blanket covering her legs.

She closed her eyes and sobbed silently. Her heart was extremely tight. "I love you. I really, extremely love you. And I'll miss you, Jack Frost."

Jack's face rose to meet hers. Both faces had masks of waterworks. He quickly claimed her lips in a kiss once more. This time, she put her arms round his neck and squeezed tightly like she didn't want to let go. Her heart beat in sync with his.

When he pulled away to release a sob, she rested her forehead on his own. They wept quietly for a little while before she said. "I do."

There was a pause in the motion surrounding them. Like nothing existed in the world. Just them.

Then everything came rushing to him as he sprang back. "What?"

"I said 'I do,'" she laughed tearfully. "I'll never get married anyway so why not just give it a go?"

"Oh-" he didn't register himself hugging her tighter than life. He felt her body shiver under him. But he knew it was just her crying again. "I love you too much, Elsa."

She softly pushed away from the hug then looked at him. Taking his hands in hers, she grinned. Her happier self returned. "I, Elsa-"

"Time up!" Anna's loud voice caused both of them to turn to the door. Her face looked calmer than it did minutes ago, though it was still strict.

And with the way Rapunzel was beaming it seemed she had talked some sense into Anna. Kristoff stood behind the girls, trying to smile too.

The trio came running over. "So, what's up with you two?" Anna quizzed.

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