Chapter 13

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Practically all the students of Disney Academy stopped by the huge sign which Philip, the social coordinator had posted up.

"Talent, huh!" Tinker Bell rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "But, all I can do is tinker."

"Move aside!" Voices rang up all around her, others nearly smothering her with dominating heights.

"Cool, I think I'm really cool with pocket picking," Flynn folded his arms.

"I could sing. That'd be lovely," Anna chirruped. Elsa held her sister's shoulders.

"I could watch you, Anna,"

"No way. You're singing too, Els!"

Elsa sighed, shaking her head. "I could faint up there. That's not happening,"

"No, you wouldn't," Rapunzel, their cousin backed Anna up. "That's just an excuse. Isn't it time to get your social life back? The sickness doesn't mean anything,"

Elsa smiled back. "You could paint, Punz, or swing around with your voluminous blonde locks,"

Rapunzel frowned as she ran her hands through her blonde hair that had been wrapped close to five times to keep it from trailing. "I'm even considering cutting it. A cute little pixie cut and dying it brown."

"Not on your life, Punzie!" Anna screeched.

Other kids kept on chattering about the little fest.

"Oy, Phillip. D'you think I could use my bow 'n arrow?" Merida's scottish accent bit into Philip's ear, making him turn from Giselle.

Merida looked really sweaty, her messy hair done up effortlessly into a huge bun atop her head. No doubt she'd been running.

"Uh..." Philip tried not to frown. "Not really. An arrow is just a tad bit too dangerous to use in a hall filled with people,"

"But I'm perfect. I have never missed an aim,"

"I'm afraid not. Sorry. But you can do something else, let me take down your name."

But Merida frowned bitterly, stomping her foot. "Of all the dingbats! Ugh!" She swirled around, clutching her backpack pretty hard.

"You OK, Meri?" Rapunzel, her roommate called out to her. Elsa and Anna also followed their cousin.

"No. He wouldn't let me shoot targets. Such a haggis he is!"

"Isn't haggis food, Meri?" Anna asked.

"It's disgusting sheep guts. Of course Philip is haggis!"

The three girls laughed at Merida's joke though she didn't understand the humour.

"Hey, isn't Hiccup on the planning committee? You can beg him. He's much softer." Anna suggested.

"Nay," Merida sighed.

"No?" The trio asked. "But why?"

Merida hesitated, looking down at her converses. "He's a DreamWork."

"Dream Work?" Elsa laughed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Merida paused again. "You know I only like we Disneys. The farthest I can get is with a Pixar. I don't really love all these Fox kids and DreamWorks and Nickelodeons and...anyone who isn't from Disneyland. They think they're all that when in reality, they're not even from here. They're more of invaders than students."

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