Chapter 51: Wake Me Up

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Cinderella took her friend's now-warm hands in hers, shedding a tear for the millionth time. Snow wasn't far off, at the foot of the clinic bed, het face red and swollen as well.

Aurora hadn't been conscious for two days now, with all the stitching of the wrist and everything.

Of course her heartbroken nurses reassured everyone that she'd be fine, the cut hadn't severely gone through the veins, if there was a huge problem, it was that the needle hadn't been new. That was fixed of course with several tetanus shots.

Yet, her friends were not having it. They wanted to make sure Aurora would be up and kicking once more.

"I don't know what to say. I swear, I'm so speechless. I feel so guilty. I'm such a bad person. I've never felt this evil-" Cinderella sniffled, her body shivering in sync.

"You've been saying that for hours." Snow tiredly rubbed her forehead. What about me? I'm the ultimate evil in all of this. I barely even said a word to her. That sums up as evil as well on my part."

From the corner of the room, Philip watched the duo as they grieved over the seemingly lifeless body. He knew Aurora would be alright.
He knew he'd rushed her to aid just in time before her body wholly went cold.

The only thing that really frightened him was the thought of everything happening two days ago.

He'd never, ever experienced holding a lifeless body. Though it was almost lifeless. Nonetheless that of his childhood friend. If she could still consider him as one.

He really needed her to wake up. He had too many things to say to her.

Asides Cinderella and Snow, he told nobody else of the suicide attempt. Most especially not Aladdin or Jasmine. He dared not even tell both of them at once. There'd be too much drama at the clinic.

"Come along now, girls." Nurse Fauna made way into the ward, as quiet as could be, as if the faintest noise would send Aurora yonder. "Visiting hours are up."

"Oh so soon?" Cinderella gripped her friend's palm even more tightly, Snow just acted unmoved.

"Indeed. She does need the rest."

"Oh." The strawberry blonde faced her friend once more. Her head lowered to Aurora's face. "I'm sorry, Aurora. I swear I am. Please wake up. Wake up for all of us, I beg of you."

Snow gently stroked Aurora's legs. "I pray you'll be fine. And I know you will be. Just come on out of there, okay? I promise you, I'll be a better friend to you, alright?
I won't -" Snow quivered. "I won't talk bad about you behind your back anymore, I'll voice out. I swear. Just- just wake up."

Both girls stood up, but it looked like neither was ready to leave. Fauna had to come over and usher them away before they could leave the bedside. Snow sent a look towards Philip's way, as if asking 'how come he gets to stay' but she decided to wordlessly keep on walking away.

When Fauna had successfully shown them the way out, she walked back to Philip. "Now I can only give you a little more time because you've known her since she was a baby. But the time cannot be that much, I beg of you, Phil dear."

"A little time is all I'll need, Auntie." He buffed up his voice, masquerading the fear that was slowly eating him to bits inside.

Fauna nodded. "Alright. Well," she cast one more sorrowful look at the bed then turned to leave.

Philip released the air he had been holding in, causing his shoulders to weakly slump. Gingerly, he walked over to Aurora's bed and sat on the stool at the head of the bed.

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