Chapter 14

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"You're all gonna dance?" Aurora asked Snow White as Snow began to lace up her ballet shoes. Cinderella was sitting next to them as well, though her eyes were more than drowsy and she looked really exhausted.

"It's all we can do at the moment. Plus, every talent show needs a good dance routine, am I right?" Snow stretched forth her leg in Aurora's face, causing both blondes to giggle.

"You look like hell, Cindy. Are you alright?" Aurora smiled.

"Huh?" Cinderella set her cheeks on her palms, forcing her eyelids not to snap shut.
"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I know you're not," Snow leaned over and winked.

Cinderella put all effort to smile but Aurora cut off the smile. "She hardly stays in my room anymore. Heaven knows where you often wander off to."

"Aurora!" Cinderella whined.

"You look like Esmeralda lately," Snow moved over to sit in between them.

"Esme?" Cinderella looked forward in amazement.

"Yeah. One moment, Esmeralda was this bubbly and ecstatic dancer, the next she's this droopy little downy." Snow shrugged. "I just hope she can partake in our little dance number before next two weeks,"

"Geez, I wonder what went wrong."

"Maybe it's the same thing that's wrong with you, Cind," Snow stood up and gave her friends slight kisses on their cheeks. "Later?"

"Later." Both of them said in unison.

Aurora turned to her roommate, no doubt to scold her but was suddenly interrupted by her phone ringing.

Swiftly, she reached for her phone. Looking at the caller ID, she blushed. "Aladdin?"

"My Aurora!"

Aurora's eyes flew to Cinderella's knowing own. She and Aladdin had begun something alright.

"How are you?"

"I'm cool. Y'know, just practising some magic tricks for the Talent show."

"You do magic?" Aurora squealed in delight.

"I try. What about you? What will you be doing?"

"For the talent show? I dunno. Maybe I'll fit just right into the audience."

"The audience?! Come on. That's a place for losers like Milo Thatch and Jane Porter."

"Oh, Al. That's not very nice."

"It is true, dearie." He chuckled. "You deserve to be on the stage. Not making side comments with commentators."

The blonde twirled her locks with one finger and blushed.

Cinderella just smiled and stood to leave. It was as everything pertaining college was just to date, date and date.

As she left the gymnasium, she began to wonder which direction to walk towards.

"Hey, Cindy." Naveen waved to her. She smiled in turn and waved back to him.

"So, a number of us have some assignments for you. Y'know, the usual,"

"Another set?" She frowned.

"Yeah. We hoped you wouldn't mind. With the talent show coming up, a lot of us got too busy. Say you won't mind. Besides, we're willing to pay in high amount," Naveen offered a charming smile---which clearly had no effect on her.

"But, I have to also practice for the show as well,"

"You're performing?" Naveen's eyes went wide with incredulity.

"Well, yes. Why are you so surprised?"

"Oh," he frowned. "Uh, what will you be doing exactly?"

"Uh...singing. I'll be singing,"

Naveen placed a palm over his mouth but a burst of laughter escaped. "You. Song?" He chuckled again.

"I don't get it. What's so funny?"

"Wait, aren't you Anastasia and Drizella's sister?"

She nodded.

Naveen began to laugh again. "I don't see how anyone in that family could have any talent. No offense, you're smart. Really cool. But you want to sing as well. Don't go embarrassing yourself, dearie. "

Cinderella's eyes began to squint in utter anger. And she knew she hardly ever got angry.

A hand landed softly on her shoulder. "You really are something, aren't you, Naveen?" It was Aurora.

Cinderella looked up to her friend. She knew Aurora hardly even knew Naveen.

"You just are downright mean, y'know? Why are you then criticizing her for wanting to take part in a talent show?"

"Don't get me wrong. It's not criticism. Actually I'm concerned for her. Have you seen her sisters..."

"You're not even making any sense. Go find some other idiot to do your work for you. Cinderella here needs to get enough rest so as to get ready for the show. And you do the same. A little birdie told me you kinda sound like a frog," with that, Aurora turned around, Cinderella at her side as they began to walk towards the opposite direction.

"Thanks, Aurora." Cinderella sighed. "A bit too harsh on the 'frog' part. But thanks all the same."

"You really are funny, Cindy. Besides. You should hear what that guy says about you, I, Snow and Giselle. Says that we're animal freaks. That we converse with every single animal."

"We actually kinda do."

"Not in a creepy way." Aurora sighed. "Now, why don't you go get enough sleep? I'll inform your lecturers that you weren't feeling quite well and had to take the afternoon off."

"You definitely are my saving grace today. Honestly, I Don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Repay me for asking you to go to bed? Oh puh-lease. Just sleep and garner up your strength, OK?"

"OK," the two girls squeezed each other in a warm embrace before Cinderella finally walked away.

Aurora stayed there smiling after Cinderella when a dark shadow looked over her.

With a gasp, Aurora turned around.

Her worst teacher stood behind her. "Miss Aurora. How good to see you. My office. Now! We have some very serious issues to discuss."

"Madam Maleficent!"

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