Chapter 7: Vanessa

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Vanessa Urchin growled angrily as she approached her dorm. Over FOURTEEN freaking chapters in two days?!

If that Hercules wasn't such a hunk, she would have snapped his little neck in half.

She sighed. But she couldn't do that to him. He was a hunk!
He had always been her hunk. Well, in her dreams, maybe. Hercules Zeus, just the thought of him made her lips quirk up.

And he was a drop dead smartass. Acing courses like there was no tomorrow. He was just too perfect, his red curly hair, his sporting skills.

She felt her heart flutter.

Suddenly, she wasn't so interested in the dumb assignment, she'd probably give some nerd to do it, maybe Milo Thatch or even Philip Roland, nerds who had been asking her out.
As if she'd ever be caught dead with them.

Her phone suddenly buzzed. She rolled at the caller ID. Ex.

"Ex' was actually Eric Murphy, her 'ex' boyfriend, only, he didn't know there was an 'ex'.

Frankly, she was getting fed up. She was in third year, for Christ's sake, he was a year younger-plus, he was super clingy! She knew he was cute and all but things just had to grow stale.

Knowing he'd keep on calling if there was no answer, she reluctantly slid the phone on the green icon. "Eric?"

"Babe, how are you? I've been missing-"

"I told you I was resting. I'm pretty tired and I got tons of assignments to think of. Plus, the ringing really gives me a headache, take a break, will you?"

Eric paused. "I understand. I've also got work, d'you think perhaps we can go out after all our-"

She gave a frustrated animalistic groan out loud. "No! No, we can't, good bye," and she cut the call. Really! He needed to release.

As she approached her room, she rolled her eyes in annoyance , it was as if she was surrounded by annoying people everywhere.

Her new roommate, Megara was probably around, judging from the fact that the door was bolted from inside.

"Open up! Good Lord, I thought I told you to stop locking me out!"

Meg quickly pulled the door open, her hair looking bedraggled. "Sorry, I slept off,"

She shoved Meg aside and barged in. "Whatever! Outta my way,"

"Glad to see your attitude brightened," she heard Meg's low cynical reply.

"Ha ha, aren't you funny?" She smiled sarcastically and began to tug off her clothes.

Meg just hissed and climbed back to her bed, reopening the books she'd slept on. Almost immediately, her phone buzzed.


Vanessa saw Meg's face squeeze. "How did you get my number?"

Now, that was.something interesting. Seemed like little Meggy had a suitor. She smiled to herself. The boy probably won't last long with that attitude of Meg's.

"Well, Wonder Boy, isn't that just romantic?" She said dryly. "Who is Giselle and how did she get-never mind, why are you calling? No offence,"

Vanessa snickered and gracefully laid on her bed, eying Meg, who eyed her back.

"Great. Just great. Nope, we can't be friends...well, because I just met you for crying out loud!" She groaned. "I gotta go, OK?" She shook her head. "Yup. It's been a real slice, Hercules. Goodbye,"

Vanessa's ears rang. Immediately Meg put the phone down, Vanessa sprang up.

"Hercules? As in Zeus Hercules?!"

"What's it to you? Keep your ears to yourself!"

"You were speaking with the Hercules I know, weren't you?"

"I don't give a hoot about who you know and don't know. My call, my business!"

"Why was he calling you?!"

Meg stood up, taking her phone in her hand and began to walk to the bathroom, not before turning to flip the bird at Vanessa.

"He's my boyfriend!" Vanessa suddenly yelled.

Meg stopped in her tracks, slowly turning around. "Your...what?"

"Yeah," Vanessa relaxed and crossed her arms. "For over a year now,"

Meg studied her first, then gave a smirk and a cock of her head. "You and him, huh?"

"Believe or not. So I should be concerned about why he's calling my roommate,"

"As I said. It's my business. You ask him why yourself. I don't even think he's lucky. Being stuck with you for one year?" She scoffed.

"Oh yeah?" Vanessa got ready to pounce again but Meg disappeared inside the bathroom.

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