Chapter 23

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Wow!!!! I'm way behind time and schedule. This book should have gotten farther by now. Guess the holidays caught up with me😑. I sincerely apologise.

I wish all of you, my BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME readers a very very Merry Christmas in arias and a splendid 2018 today (probably 2nd of January in most places but this equator thing...I'm still in 1st).

Do not forget I love you all ( No matter how slow at updating I can be😶😶😶).

The members of the Basketball Team.


Shang gathered up all his teammates as they gathered in the TV room in the boys' wing.

"Well, team. Sooner than later, we'll be going to compete against the Pixar Studio University. Now, I know it's almost six months away but practice makes perfect...and perfect is the Disney Academy, got it?" He beamed with pride as his finger tapped the sketch on the blackboard.

The boys rooted their agreement.

"So, now. Here's our tactics. It's pretty legendary but it has worked for every single one of our predecessors. You all remember our star champion from thirty years ago? Zeus Olympus."
He looked at Hercules, who in turn smiled in pride.

"Legendary Champion of this very school. We look up to him. We work hard, day and night, non stop, as he did to be perfect at this."
Shang began to pace quietly at the front of the board. "We all are sacrificing participation in the Talent Show which is in 3 days time. And all for that Orange Ball. Do you understand what we're up against?!"

The team nodded.

"Good. Now, without further adue, we present the cheat codes.
Our star shooter, Hercules."

"Yes, General!"

"You stay at the corners. Do not fight hard for the ball until it is being handed to you..."

"Er...General?" Phoebus cut in slowly.

"Is there a problem, sergeant?"

"Sorry to bring this up but...what about Mulan? The dribbler?"

Shang paused, taking full time to assess Phoebus. "What about her?"

"Um. We'll, I just thought we should have done this with her here. She is our star dribble..."

"Correction! Tarzan is our star dribbler. Secondly, what, you want us to convey a girl to the Boys' Hostel? We might allow a girl in our team but I doubt Patron Phil would allow that."

"No, I meant, why don't we have these Tactics meeting in a general environment. Like the gym?"

"And do you know how stressful it is to dress up and go outside in this heat? With everyone preparing for the Talent Show? It's a very disturbing process."

"But, how else can she get news about the new plans..."

"JESUS CHRIST, Phoebe. If you're so concerned about a girl, then you can go and sleep with her for all I care. Ever since, it's been Mulan this and Mulan that and Mulan, are you tired? You've been acting like a real pretty arm cushion. Not a team player."

"Well, pardon my intrusion, Shang. But even you have to admit that you're just straight up being unfair. And I'm not the only one who has noticed." Phoebus said coolly.

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