Chapter 35: Whistle While You Work

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"Raise that arch a bit. It's not what is in the blueprint!" Prince ordered the workers. He opened the blue paper again and stared hard at it.

As a junior architect, he was simply getting a hang of how everything was working. With his minor donations, the construction was gaining major improvement.
He felt proud of himself, though he had someone working above him.

"You should step away. They're going to start welding soon." The senior architect, Kronk, put a large hand on Prince's shoulder.

"Alright." Prince took a step back, trying hard not to step on any of the nails on the site.

"When the guy's done, you've got to check the theatre construction. They're just setting out and it seems like a major problem. The plan has it's dimensions all mixed up. Please, see to that."

"Aye aye."

"Good work, son."

Prince nearly laughed. Kronk was simply barely three years older than him. Calling him 'son' was almost unnecessary.

As he got ready to make his way over to the theatre behind, a white sleek Mercedes drove into the site.

Prince barely paid attention to it, though he remembered that he'd never seen any of the Design Team with that kind of car.

He ignored it and kept on walking towards the site which had just finished it's foundation layout.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked one of the marksmen who held on to some tent pegs, ready to mark out the outline of the building.

"A small problem with the design, sir. Some dimensions seem incredulous and the total length does not correlate with the ground -"

"Prince?" Prince heard a soft voice behind him.

His heart beat a little. He knew that voice from anywhere.

"Snow?" He turned round, shocked. What was she doing there?

Snow didn't look so vibrant as she always did, though she looked like she was trying hard to.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you." Her smile reduced when she noticed  he wasnt even looking focused. "Was it a bad timing?"

"No. No. I'm just. I had this issue... what are you really doing here. I'm appalled."

"As I said previously. What? I hope it's not an interruption. It's just that I was feeling a bit...down?"

"Down?" He repeated.

"Call me crazy but... It's just a feeling. Y'know? Ever since you started with this contract, we hardly spend time with each other."

"Now?" He looked back at the builder who was staring at both of them patiently.
"I'm kind of busy."

"I'll help. Tell me what to do. I'll get my hands dirty and stuff."

"Really? Uh, hold on a bit." He turned back to the worker. "You sure the dimensions had problems? I double checked them."

"It didn't work on the ground. And it's a curve. It's meant to be accurate."

"I'm pretty sure I got the radius right. Get the other marksmen..."

Snow wrinkled her nose. Not only was she confused but she was scared as well. Was this how their married life would be?
Him talking about marksmen and radii?

Could it be that Aurora's words would come true?

"Prince? Can we talk?"

"Right now, Snow?"

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