Chapter 44: A Whole New WHOLE NEW World

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She tried not to be pissed that he didn't show up at the Mosque.

No, not at all.

It just added to the list of What The Hell Is Wrong With That Boy?

Jasmine returned her hijab neatly into her one-week old Dolce and Gabbana handbag. A late birthday present from her darling busy father.

She wasn't hurt if her father hadn't remembered her birthday. She knew he always did remember, though things were likely to come up. And he ALWAYS made up for it.

But for Aladdin to not remember?

Though it was over a month ago and they'd been seeing from time to time, she'd never reminded him, constantly hoping he would remember out of the blues.

He never did.

And now, with a part of him forming inside of her, she expected him more than ever to be there for her.

Asides Esmeralda and Pocahontas, she hadn't spilled the secret of her conceiving to any other person. Not even Al. He had turned completely invisible. The little time they shared together, he made the meets hurried and quite short.

Like he was avoiding her or something.

Carefully making way over to the fountain located just outside the auditorium, she let her feet slip out of her black red bottoms. They hurt like crazy. She was like, what, only 2 weeks pregnant, yet she felt some of her body parts beginning to swell.

She pulled out a penny from her bag. Might as well start making some wishes upon the beautiful baby in her womb.

"- I don't know what's up with her, Snow, I swear she could be bipolar."

Jasmine's peaceful thoughts were cut off by a loud and annoyed voice. And by the solo voice contribution, Jasmine guessed the person talking was probably on the phone.

"No, really. She's all up in my business, gets so freaking cranky, can't even sleep early, she's a total mess. And I for one, am absolutely fed up with-" the girl stopped when she accidentally tripped over the black heels.

As the blonde girl nearly toppled forward, she let out a scared shriek before regaining her balance. She quickly turned around to see what had caused her very minor accident.

Upon sight of the shoes, the blonde girl paled. Jasmine quietly tried to examine what was going in the blonde girl's mind.

"Oh goodness, I'm sorry, I'm so so very sorry," she pressed the receiver of the phone into her collar bone and used her free hand to wave an apology. "I'm very sorry, please."

Judging from the way the girl looked so nervous, Jasmine couldn't help but feel the girl was scared of the shoes.
Scared of Louis Vuitton?

Or was she scared of the fact that it could look pricey? Jasmine held in a chuckle.

"Calm down. They're just shoes. I should be apologising to you." Jasmine walked over to slip her feet back into it, feeling herself get a little taller, or maybe finally reaching the blonde's height.

"You look familiar." The blonde stated out flat, her stoic expression growing more pale.


"At that talent show. You gave the magician a standing ovation right? It'll be hard to miss it as you stood out amongst a sea of people."

Jasmine blushed. "Yeah. The magician's my boyfriend."

Just a second after the word 'boyfriend' escaped her lips, the blonde grew even paler. Like almost Cruella De Vil's kind of pale. "Excuse me?"

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