Makes sense now

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It’s Friday today and I still haven’t told mum or dad about tomorrow. I’ve been thinking in my head what to say that would make my parents say ‘Ok you can go,’ but I know that they would say ‘NO’. I don’t know what to do.

“Miss Pertica?” Somebody said which interrupted my thinking. “Miss Pertica? Is it a boy, your dreaming about?” I heard laughter after that and I turned to see that Mrs Laygan was calling me. I realised that I was sitting alone on a bench with about twenty eyes staring back at me.

“What?” I finally said.

“Is it a boy?” Mrs Laygan repeated. We were in P.E, so there were no boys in this class. 

“What?!” I asked with my mouth wide open. Why the hell is she asking me this?

“C’mon, Vanessa we’re all girls here. So who’s the lucky man?” Mrs Laygan was older than my DAD. Why do old people try so hard to embarrass themselves?

“There’s no boy.” I said.

“Then why are you sitting there Pertica. Get up and move, move, move.” Mrs Laygan said in a funny but serious way. She handed me a tennis racquet. I confused for a second but then I realised we must be playing tennis.

Apparently we had to be paired up to play paired tennis. I’m supposed to be the one paired up with the most stupidest girl in the school. Lola. Lola Betaham, the schools most popular girl and the worst part about it she’s in the same grade as me. It doesn’t make sense how it only took her one year and a half to be so popular. The funniest thing about it all is that she’s so DUMB.

“Hello, Lola.” I said to her putting an ‘L’ on my forehead meaning ‘loser because she is one.

“Hello, Vanessa,” She said putting her hands in a ‘V’ shape. I literally did face-palm. She’s so dumb.

“Wha- never mind.” I said waving my hand in there.

“Betaham, Pertica. You’re up.” Mrs Laygan screamed. I walked over to the tennis court where it had fake grass on it.

 It was and stupid Lola against Madeline and Angela. A pair of identical twins who are great at sport and the worst part about them is that they are Lola’s favourite minions. Why couldn’t I be paired up with Charlotte. She would’ve bet them both ith one hand tied behind her back.

“Vanessa, eyes on the ball,” Angela said. Pedo much. I took my place on the left side of the court.

Angela served first ‘oh I can’t wait to die’ I said to myself. She hit the ball and to my luck it was flying in Lola’s direction. She hit the ball, except, the wrong way. The ball was heading straight for me. I was in shock and I couldn’t move. The ball was about inches away from my face and then someone tackled me to the ground head first.

“Do you want to be the one to leave first or something?” The person who tackled me said. I was confused; I didn’t know what the guy was talking about. I started to rub my head. I opened my eyes to see the fake grass. I looked up to see who the attacker was. Bryan!

“Bryan!? What are you doing at school? I thought you had left to England.” I said with a surprised look on my face.

“Well I missed the plane and besides, didn’t your parents tell you?” he said with a confused look on his face.

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“They didn’t tell you huh?” he said.

“Tell me what?” I asked again.

“Never mind.” he said

“Spill it Bryan.” I said poking his arm. “O.K, O.K!” he said putting his hands up in defence. “Our parents were discussing this over the phone and I heard that you were coming to England with me. I wasn’t one hundred precent sure but yeah……” he told me. I was jaw dropped. I can’t believe this.Then it hit me. The pieces all fit together now. This is why mum and dad changed the rules.

Rules are rules (Charlie Rowe Fan Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin