Taps on the shoulder

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I was was coming out for recess now and I had washed my face three times, with water, in the bathroom trying to get all the Pete cooties off of me. I saw Pete's, arranged to be,  girlfriend Lana. 

Lana Dire was the sweetest girl on earth and was one of my closest friend ever since Pete and her got together. Lana and Pete were really close until mum got involved. mum saw that Pete and Lana were meant to be together forever, mum has already planned out their wedding, and I know what your thinking, to early right? Pete tried to break up with Lana one day and she started to cry. Pete had got the biggest lecture from mum and dad ever. Now I think about it serves him right he shouldn't going around and hurting peoples feeling and especially spiting his cooties on me, idiot.

"Don't worry about Pete, He can be a......." Lana tried to make me feel better even though I know what she's trying to say.

" A pain in the ass, a total douchebag, and ......" I think she got the message.

"Mind the language Vanessa your still in school, and yes that's exactly what I meant." I chuckled at the way she said, she makes everything seem funny." By the way is that Bryan?"

I saw that there was a figure running towards us down the hall. As it got closer I saw that it was Bryan.He ran up to me and hugged me, He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Bryan where were you? who cares I had the best time on the bus you could not believe it," I was going to tell Bryan about Charlie he knew that I had a crush on him.

"You had the best ride without me?" He starteed to get worried. "plus it wasn't my fault I was late......" I cut him off.

"who cares!....." I started talking about Charlie and how my whole body almost melted like an ice cream in the desert. When I felt that someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned to see who it was. OMG,  Charlie. I almost fainted on the spot but I kept focused and tried to focus on what was happening to me right now. 

"Are you okay, I saw what Pete did to you, some brother huh?"I couldn't believe he was bringing this up. I was over it two minutes ago does want me to cry, in front of him.

"Yeah I'm fine, his just following the traditions of brotherhood. One of the rules is being a complete pain in the neck to your sister." I started to scream near the end, I stopped there because I realised I was talking to Charlie now not Bryan. I started to blush. I looked away and Isaw that Ruby and Eleanor where coming out of class. I walked over to them. They were talking about how they're planning their trip to England. They stopped when they saw meand they ran towards me.

"what did Charlie do to make you so upset?" I'm guessing Eleanor saw everything.

"What happened?" Ruby was so confused

"guys , girls," I saiedd putting more enphasis on girls. " we were just talking about how much of a idiot my brother is and....." I saw that Ruby and Eleanor where backing away now. "Hey, where you going?"

"Leaving the two ove birds in their nest."Ruby whispered to me. Luckly I was close enough to hear it.Yet I stilled didn't understand. They probably must of remembered that I had Pete cooties, but that can't be right they didn't see it and yet that wouldn't even match to what Ruby just said and.... Another tap on the shoulder, I jumped. I turned to see who it was,Charlie. This guy would not stop doing that,  honestly it's scary the crap out me.

"Did I scare you?" He asked he was so concerned. I guess that's got to go on the list of the many things I love about Charlie.

"Yeah.... I"m fine," I added before he sees that I'm in love with him and he would start thinking I"m wierd and start rejecting....... Snap out of it Vanessa, your in the conversation now and no bad thoughts could break it now. Unless......... Ms Eliza!

"Vanessa. Could I see you in my office once you've finished you r conversation?" Ms Eliza was so nice to us students.

"You better go then....Bye Vanessa." He added, was this guy being nice to me or was it what Pete said to him on the bu that made him change they way he acts now. Either way I don't care he was being so nice to me now so might as well take it in while I still can.

"Bye, Charlie." I finally said to him.

He was walking away now. I almost died in that conversation, but I survived. All of a sudden I heard this Yes. I think it cam from Charlie, but I wasn't sure.

I was nervous right now, more nervous then talking to Charlie. I walked inta Ms Eliza's office. I saw that there were two familiar faces.

"Mum, dad? ...... How nice to meet you at school?" I tryed to recover myself because I didn't want Ms Eliza thinking that we had Family problems going on at home.

"Vanessa, your Parents have come hear today because your parents couldn't attend parent teacher night a few weeks ago. You don't have to be embarrased Pete's also doing it today too." Ms Eliza always knows how to make me feel better. Now my parents would really see what Pete's really been up to. Oh his busted now, and so will I be if there is one mistake I did.... 

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