Tuesday night is Mayhem night

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Pete and I were walking home now and I was still in my own world thinking about Charlie as always. Whereas Pete is walking next to me biting his nails, which is normal, but also ripping his own hair out.

"Pete, don't worry. Mum and dad don't come back until 6:30 and that gives us plenty of time to think up a plan." I tried to make him feel better but I failed.

"Did you mean 6:30am or pm, because that will give us plenty of time to think up a.......... or maybe we could find a place to live and get away from these mean cruel a............" Pete has officially gone mad.

"Pete, we are not going to run away from home. Okay." I tried to persuade him.

"Okay guys, I'm just going to go and walk down my street and pretend that I don't know who you guys are. Okay bye." I completely forgot that Bryan was walking behind us the whole time.

"Hey Bryan, buddy. Your my buddy, right buddy. Yeah?" Pete had his right hand on Bryan's shoulder I could see that Bryan was really freaked out. But he still answered the question.

"Yeah I'm your buddy." Bryan replied. Pete immdiatly dropped down with his hands clenched together. 

"Please take me home with you, only for the night. Please, please, please?" Pete was on his knees and begging for something which wasn't really like him. Bryan gave me a look saying 'please take this pscho path away from me'

"Pete, your freaking him out leave him alone." I said. Pete got up. He was sad but he didn't cry. If I was in his shoes I would've already made the 8th sea. We started to walk again.

"Hey we could go to your boyfriends house for the night right?" Pete argued. Well I think he was arguing or did he make another suggestion.

"Pete, we just spent 5 minutes discussing about this we are not going to stay at Bryan's house, and besides..........." I began but I was cut off by the pscho path standing next to me.

"Not Bryan, Charlie, and besides you and Bryan don't even like eachother you and Charlie do" Pete was looking at me with wide eyes at me. Charlie likes me. No Pete's just messing with me. Charlie doesn't like me. No it's not true or could it be. No it's not. Pete is trying to humiliate me in front of Charlie. How dare he."So what's going to be sis?"

"First of all don't call me sis because you never do and secondly, do not try to toy with my thirteen year old brain like that and thirdly, we are not going to Charlie's place." I said with a sturn voice.

"Well I'll just tell Charlie that you don't love him anymore." I hit Pete on the arm.

"So you're the one who told Charlie, he didn't hear my conversation, you told him. You know, you could be really mean sometimes, and you know what, you can deal with mum and dad yourself." I said and walked a few steps ahead of him.

I reached the door of my house and realised that Pete had the keys to the house. I had to wait till Pete comes but instead the front door was about to be opened by someone from the inside. An intruder. I thought. I couldn't move or else they might hear me. When they opened the door I saw two familiar faces. 

"Mum, dad? I thought you guys went back to work or something." I was so confused right now.

"Vanessa, you shouldn't be worrying about such little details....." mum started " Where's Pete? You guys are late by exactly 6 minutes."

"Sorry mum. Uh......Train ran a little late." I was a terrible liar but they totally fell for it.

"Alright you have an excuse. What about you young man why are you so late." I saw that Pete was coming behind me and I had to think up another lie.

"Um.... he had a cramp on the way home.... on his leg and I tried to get home when I heard that there footsteps in the house." I was a good at this lying thing. 

"Vanessa don't you think Pete can talk for himself or is he still to tired for that too. Come in Pete we have to discuss your punishment." mum said in a harsh voice.

As I walked into the house it was so cold or was that just me. I changed out of my school uniform and got into a pair of black leggings and a big wooly jumper this will definitely keep me warm. I had my hair down but I had my fringe clipped up. I was so nervous. I was nervous because even though I didn't get in trouble  I still have to listen to the conversation. Another one of my parents moto is 'one in trouble, both in trouble' or ' you need both hands to clap' which means you need two people to make a disaster, and this case me and Pete.

I sat on the couch with Pete on my right. Mum and dad where looking down at us, which they never stop doing ever since we were born. Why couldn't they smile at us without acting in front of someone?

"Pete we have decided that you and Vanessa need to go to another school." Dad said in a serious voice. I had a mental jaw drop. I can't leave school. What about Charlotte, Ruby and Eleanor? What about Lana and Bryan? What about..... Charlie?

"Mum we can leave this school? Lana and Bryan are there."Pete protested. I was a hundred percent on Pete's side for this one.

"You still love them?" Mum asked. Pete and I always find that mum is kinder than dad.

"Yes!" we both said with a serious face. Mum started to whisper into dad's ear. I looked at mum and then at dad and then back to mum. My heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour.

"We have decided, but only for trial, to give you your own room. Obviously Vanessa is to ...annoying for you and screaming about how great Bryan is. Is that correct Pete?" Dad questioned,a dn yes we don't have our own room. Well technically I wasn't obsessing over Bryan.

"Yeah, I can't sleep with that much noise. So that's why I'm so tired at school." Pete said. What a liar. 

"What are you sitting there for? get moving." Mum yelled. Pete and I stood up.

"Vanessa, where do you think your going?" Dad said.

"I'm going to do my homework now." I said yet slightly confused.

"You need a punishment for keeping Pete awake for so long. For the rest of the year I'll be dropping you of at the bus stop, because we don't want you to interact with Byran as much now." Mum said as serious as dad would say.

"Why can't you just drop me off at school?"I questioned them.

"Do you think we want to waste our petrol on you. You know that the petrol prices are rising. You are so idiotic sometimes and for that don't even think about going to any parties this year with your friends." Dad yelled.

I walked to my room and started to do my homework. These punishments didn't have any effect on me. I have never even been to a party before so that's not going to stop me and at least I'm still catching the bus with Charlie. 

I finished my homework in less then an hour, I think I bet my previous record. I went to go shower. As I stepped into the shower and turned on the tap it was freezing, obviously. I waited for the water to heat up but it never did it must of ran out of hot water or something but I had to go shower today because i just remembered that Pete spat on my face. 

As I walked out of the shower half of my body was numb. I saw the hair dryer and decided to heat myself up with that. That was the smrtest thing I had done today.

I walked out of the bathroom and I saw dad was seating on a chair in the room acros the hall.

"Did you enjoy the cold shower Vanessa?" Dad said. I could picture devil horns coming out on the top of his head. It was him. I guess it was pay back when I used the water when he was in the shower.

I didn't respond to what dad said and just walked down the hall. I walked past my parents room and Pete's  new room. i also walked past a cupboard. A cupboard that I'm not aloud to look inside. Pete said that this cupboard holds a lot of vital information. I never believed anything Pete says but this time I had a feeling he knew what he was talking about. 

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