The meeting

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I was in the office, Ms Eliza's office. I couldn't help but notice that it was getting colder. Was it me or is it the opened window across the room?

Ms Eliza doesn't know that my parents are strict. Technically no body knows, not even my friends, my uncle, my aunties, not even my own grandma and grandpa. My parents would just act like normal parents and would be all kind and polite to me. Ms Eliza wouldn't even know what really happens after the home bell. She'd expect some strict parents at home but she wouldn't expect that my parents are mean. especially the way that they're acting know.

My parents, they are actually smiling. It's been a while since I've seen those happy faces. I sat on the seat, between mum and dad. Mum being on the left and dad being on the right. Mum tries to fix my hair, faking that she actually cares for me, which she doesn't.

"How's it going Vanessa?" Dad pretended to comforting and but I know his lying. I'm also in on the lie becaue I also don't want Ms Eliza thinking that I feel unhappy when I'm at home, which I am don't geet me wrong. I smiled back at dad with a touch of scarcasm.

Mum stopped touching my hair and put her hands in her lap and so did dad. They had their serious face on and so did. I was getting hot and nervous now as Ms Eliza started to speak.

"Your daughter is doing very well in all subjects. She's receiving excellent marks and she is a very nice person to all her peers and........" Ms Eliza was interrupted. Pete walked into the door.

"Miss, you wanted to see me?" Pete asked in a polite manner. Obviously he saw mum and dad. He saw I was really nervous now. My leg was twitching. Pete was smiling, and he was also in the lie as well.

"Exccellent timing, Pete. We were just talking about your sister first. Why don't you join us so we can do it all at once?" Ms Eliza said.

Dad got up offering Pete his seat. Pete was nervous to walk into the office but he had the guts to do so. We looked at eachother and then put our gaze back to Ms Eliza. She began to speak again.

"As I was saying, Vanessa is doing very well at school but....." She trailed off. Ms Eliza was looking down at the table.

"But what?" My dad was eager to find out. My dad has his hand on my shoulder clenching it really tight. It hurt.

"I think to further her learning, with knowledge. You could hive her some of your knowledge." She continued.

I looked at pete with a shocked face. But at the corner of my eye I saw that Ms Eliza was about to put her head up and I quickly turned back. 

"Oh... Okay." My dad said as if he really wanted to help me, but it was all a part of the act.

"Now Pete, on the other, gets a long with his friends and keeps up with homework and all but...." She trailed off like she did before. Does she always want to torture us?

"But what?" My dad asked her. I saw that dad had a firm grip on Pete's shoulder, and with the expression on Pete's face, it was a really tight grip.

"... he always falls a sleep in class. Now I know what your thinking I'm not Pete's teacher I'm Vanessa's teacher. But I heard from other teacher's that you were doing this. I would just like to ask Pete. How long do you sleep for? with a honest answer please." My jaw dropped I couldn't believe what I was hearing, she didn't even have full proof evidence. I could see that Pete had his eyes wide open. 

"Umm....."Pete was just about to answer but mum interrupted.

"I'm sorry Ms Eliza but I need to go to a meeting know and so does my husband do you think we could post pone this meeting?"

"yeh sure. Pete, Vanessa back to class now." Ms Eliza said. Pete and I I got up from the seat and rushed straight to class without hesitation. I couldn't even look back to see what was mum and dad's reaction to what they just heard. 

I looked at the clock in the hall way to see that it was five minutes to lunch. Wow  time goes so slow. I thought I was in that office for days. I could hear my tummy rumbling I thought what was the point of spending five minutes in english where as I could eat to stop the beast from growling at me. So I went straight to locker and got my lunch. By the time I walked to my locker the bell had rung. There was a stampeed of kids rushing towards the lockers. Especially two girls in particular, Ruby and Eleanor.

"You do not know what you had just missed out on?. Do you? Do you? No because you weren't there were you?" Ruby blabbered on.

"I had a parent teacher meeting thing and....."

"O M G. I don't care, you missed out on double lesson of Charlie whilst watching Romeo and Juliet." Ruby screamed.

"What? Your messing with me aren't you. Wait today was the day that the ... Oh. Your kidding me."

I almost wanted to continuesly hit my head against the wall, but instead gave myself a face palm. I felt a punch on my arm. Not a hard one a playful one. I thought it was Pete but then I realised Pete doesn't smell as nice as ......Charlie. 

"Hey, where were you? I didn't see you when we watched that Romeo and Juliet thing." Charlie said as if he knew me since I was five.

"I had a meeting thing with Ms Eliza. So I wasn't there." I tried to act calm and not be an obsessive little girl.

"don't worry, you didn't miss out on much." He smiled at me and left.

"I didn't miss out on much. Are you kidding i missed out on a double lesson of you!" I said quiet enough for Charlie not to hear it but loud enough for my friends to hear. Ruby and Eleanor just laughed at me, well more of a chuckle. Now I was really banging my head against the wall.

"Why did I have such stupid parents that pick a time to have an interview. Where there could be a double lesson of me and Charlie in the same room together. I hate my life." I started to feel doubt in me. I still head my head against the locker.

"Hey Vanessa?" I couln't actually tell who it was.

"What?" I said, still having my head on the locker.

"You know I heard everything you just said right?" I recognised who it was. Charlie. How did he hear me? Oh his good.

I looked his way and I was blushing know, bright pink. How did  he hear me?

"So you heard everything?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing today. First Pete and now this.

"Don't worry there's double with me? Remember the other play by Shakespear, Caesar. We're doing for four weeks remeber?" He tried to jog my memory.

I already know that this was happening today, but for four weeks with Charlie it's my dream come true.

"Yeah I remember!" I said with joy.

"Don't get to exited..." oh.... Pete "Remember I'm in the same year as dear Charlie" Pete tried to mock my voice. I think Charlie knows about my secret but I'm not sure so I kept my mouth SHUT.  

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