Chapter Two: Hunt

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"The Ghost Riders. The Wild Hunt," Lydia and I spoke in unison, our eyes connecting as we were on the same page. But we quickly took our gazes to Stiles. "They come by storm, riding horses. And they take people," Lydia carried on, as this was it, the men on horse back wasn't men. It was the Ghost Riders, taking people...

"Lydia, Alice, you're so smart, I could kiss you both right now!" Stiles states with thrill, but I gave him a weird look.

"Do not kiss me," Lydia spoke back to him, her tone soft.

"Not gonna, no," he states but he was leaning forward and I saw it was coming. He suddenly kisses Lydia's cheek before moving to the left and kissed mine, briefly. "Did it anyway!" He shouts running away from us, probably going to find Scott and tell him the news. I chuckle too myself as Stiles was always going to be Stiles, and I wouldn't miss that for anything...

"We need more information about the Riders," I told Lydia who nods in agreement. "Sadly, I don't have anything descriptive on the Wild Hunt," I told her, but she just smiles at me, knowing that we didn't need a book.

"We have the internet," she replied smugly, before walking away from me. I roll my eyes at her, but a sudden breeze came out of no where, sending chills along my whole body. I was froze on the spot, thunder rang out in my ears, making me look up to the sky.

"It begins," I mumble under my breath as my gaze was on the sky, but my eyes began to drop back to look at the school. I blink and the thunder dies within my ears, I walked back into the school...


I leaned against a the teacher's desk, as Lydia was sat on the opposite one, staring into space as she texted Malia to come help us. I cross my arms over my chest, waiting for Malia to arrive. Just then, I hear her footsteps coming down the hallway, before I cock my head to the door to see her turn into the classroom.

"Got your text. You said you needed my help?" Malia spoke as she enters the room, coming over to where Lydia and I were stationed, but she stops as she noticed Lydia staring out into space. "Oh, God. That kind of help," Malia spoke with her unmissable tone.

"Something terrible is going to happen," Lydia spoke without lifting her gaze.

"Ok, what is it?" Malia placed herself on the opposite desk to the left of Lydia.

"I don't know," Lydia began, taking her gaze to Malia. "That's why I need your help," Lydia told Malia, she might give us an insight to what we need. Lydia had given the information to Malia and what was currently going on, and what was happening. She had also got her laptop open and searched for the wild hunt, so we could know a bit more about them.

"When did you first have the premonition?" Malia asks Lydia, as I was now standing in front of Lydia, with my arms crossed.

"I was with Stiles," Lydia took a moment to respond. "We realised it was the Wild Hunt. The Riders, the horses... Souls getting swept up," Lydia was getting frustrated as she grips her laptop and turns it to face Malia.

"Those who see the Wild Hunt beware, for you are already lost," Malia read from the site Lydia was on. But something was nagging at me, something itching at the back of my head...

"He saw them... Horses," I announced after a moment silence, my eyes locking with Lydia as her eyes widen in fear.

"He saw the Wild Hunt. Where's Stiles?" Lydia abruptly stands from the seat, locking eyes with Malia.

"Who's Stiles?" Malia asks with a confused expression on her face. My own heart dropped, everyone was forgetting Stiles.

"Lydia we have to find him," I spoke to her as her eyes connected to mine. "Hold tight," I warned her. As I quickly ran at her in a blur, grabbing her into my hold, and vamp-ran out of the classroom. I ran as fast as I could and came outside of the school, just as we came to a halt, seeing Stiles running from inside the school.

"Stiles!" Lydia and I spoke in unison, making him turn sharply towards the sounds of our voices as we came running towards him.

"You know me. Oh, thank God. You know me," Stiles rushes out as his gaze flickered between us both, but took Lydia's hands into his.

"We know you," I began. "But I think everybody else is forgetting," I carried on, this was very bad news. The wind began to pick up, the leafs brushed against the ground and onto the pavement. The air became chilly and felt like death had arrived. My gaze went to Stiles who was looking into the distance like he was seeing someone.

"Hey, do you see him?" Stiles asks making Lydia and I take our gazes over to where his eyes were, but we saw nothing.

"See what?" Lydia asks, her voice had a hint of fear.

"They guy on the horse," Stiles counters but we still saw nothing.

"Stiles, if you can see them, they're gonna..."

"No, I know, I know. Ok. They're comin' for me. So you both have to get away from me right now, ok?" Stiles rushes out, his hand took in my right one as his other hand held Lydia's.

"We're not leaving you!" I spoke with a haste as we weren't going to leave him here to be snatched up. "Go both of you, I'll try to hold them off," I told them both, but Stiles eyes widen in fright for me.

"But you can't see them," Stiles rushes out, his expression bewildered.

"I have to try something," I replied as I wanted to protect my friend from his fate.

"No, we run. Come on, come on!" Stiles spoke and dragged Lydia and I along. But we started to run away and followed the pathway. "This way, this way, come on," Stiles dragged us in the direction we wanted to go, which we turned a corner. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Stiles quickly spoke making us all stop to a halt. "Ok, this way. Keep going," Stiles was persistent, but we stopped again as he stopped.

"Where are they?" Lydia rushes out, her gaze cocking around the area as we still didn't see them.

"They're everywhere," he replied cocking his gaze around. I ripped my hand free form Stiles's hold.

"Run both of you," I state to them, giving them a eye-wide roll to Stiles's jeep in the car park to our right. "Now," I state with a strong tone of voice. They both quickly ran towards the jeep as I cocked my gaze around, my body turning with my gaze. "Fluctus inpul-," before I could finished the spell I was grasped tightly around my neck, lifting me inches from the ground. It was like an invisible force was choking me out. I began to choke and gasp while clawing at my neck. Suddenly, my head was twisted, resulting in my death...

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