Kakuzu sighed "I never knew an idiot like you had feelings. You fucked up and you are merely suffering the consequences. You never know what you have unless you lose it, you know"


"Stop crying like a little girl. I have put a lot of money on s/n, not to see him vanish like that. After we catch the two tails I’m going to find her, not for you but for me. For now let us just do our mission. The sooner we finish the faster we get to y/n before she is off the grid completely" He said in a more calm manner than before  

I got up not believing my ears. He wanted to help and I couldn’t turn an offer like that down, even if he was doing it solely for his greedy reasons. 

I pulled myself up, not saying a word and he started walking away after tossing me my cloak.

 I sprinted off into the land of fire with pure rage. I can’t believe the saint, I once thought was my father, ended up being a lousy lowlife! No wonder Takigakure imprisoned me! I was the son of filth who deserved death itself…But those fuckers didn’t tell me. How can I possibly live my entire immortal life in lies!....They did this to me. My parents destroyed my future! He isn’t fit to be my father! Heck! I’m a better fathe-….. I stopped running and froze in my place. 
I couldn’t believe what I was about to do or say…I was heading off to Konoha for my money to sell out the Akatsuki, leaving my girls behind….I am no better than him. Y/n must be so upset right now. I looked behind me catching my breath. If her sickness acts up she will be on the edge of death and d/n won’t have anyone…I did to her what my father did to my mother… she passed the night after I went to fight Hashirama.
Was the idiot testing me? My father deserves hell for messing with my head this way. I looked down at the bank papers and placed them back in my cloak, then headed back to the hideout hoping y/n will forgive me. 
I reached the base and rushed down the hall, bumping into Hidan who seemed to have just woken up. “Oyy! Watch it you old fuck….What’s this? You are empty handed? I thought your greedy ass was bounty hunting” Hidan spoke, raising my curiosity.
“Where are y/n and d/n?” I asked and he stretched “Tch what am I, their keeper?...D/n was out of food, so y/n headed out to get her some…. Come to think of it she was gone for hours” Hidan said tapping his chin thoughtfully with his finger. I rushed to y/n’s room to find that it was emptied out of her clothes and d/n’s things. 
My heart sank knowing that she ran off and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I walked in and sat on the bed, covering my face in my hands. “Oyy Kakuzu! Our stupid leader wants us to head out now because the two tails is in position” Hidan said entering the room and gasped “Holy hell… what on ea-….She left didn’t she? What did you do to her back there you dumb fuck?” he snapped
I tried to suppress my feelings and got up brushing past him “My personal life is none of your business…If this is what she wants then so be it. Let’s head out” I won’t show anyone my weakness, even if the sky is bent. But this….this will be the last mission I will do for the Akatsuki…finding my girls is my priority. I promised d/n to never walk away from her and I am a man of my word…if I am not up to my words, then I am no man. 

 I fell onto the ground roughly and felt my entire body sting in pain… My training was complete and it felt like I have lived in there for ages. I sat up rubbing the back of my head and looked down seeing the scroll in my hand crumble to ashes. I didn’t know what day or year this was, but I looked around to see I was back in that valley with burnt up trees. I got up wincing a bit and summoned my bird then headed back to the hideout, if it was still there that is. I hope y/n and d/n are fine. I thought the training would be the death of me, just like it was my father’s, but I have mastered it. Now I can protect them both from anyone or anything. I will keep both my girls safe. I thought as I flew over the Iwa borders unnoticed. I could feel my clay sculptures were smooth and pent up with more chakra than ever. I glided down reaching the area of the hideout and jumped off the bird, releasing the jutsu then picked up the small bird and headed towards the base. It was still the same, even after so much time. I’m surprised these idiots didn’t move their location. 
“Y/n?” I called out as I walked down the hall searching for her. 
“Deidara?... You are back so soon?” A familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around to see Danna standing there in the hall with a disturbed look. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss him and his dumb art, then walked up to him “So soon hm? I was gone for ages. Unless you hate my presence that much danna”
“you’ve only been gone for a 3 days, moron. Why would I miss you?” he said in annoyance
“3 days? But it took y/n and me a day to reach Iwa and it took me a day to come back here….I’ve been training for ages… I was gone for a year at least un” I said shocked not understanding what was going on. 
“You moron…You ditched y/n alone in Iwa and she came back here shaking. She was so scared Pein would come after her, while you weren’t here so she ran off” Sasori spoke making my mind go blank “Y/n ran off?? But that will make her a target even more!” I snapped and rushed into her room then spotted the metal piece, used to track her, on the bed and placed my hand over my forehead in disbelief. Y/n wasn’t confident in herself to the extent she ran off… I was there to protect her and d/n. I know I was supposedly gone for a year but her running away was the last thing I had in mind. I’m glad it was just a one day difference, meaning I can still find her. I grabbed my clay satchels and sprinted out, only to be stopped by Sasori’s chakra strings “Where do you think you are going brat?” 
“To find my girls! Where else hm?” 
Sasori sighed and pulled me after him then forced me to summon my bird and told me to head over to Suna. I thought he was leading me to y/n but then he spoke “Since you are a dumb boy. I’ll explain to you our situation. Y/n isn’t safe in the Akatsuki with or without your presence. She is better off hiding from us then sitting in the hideout, like a cornered animal waiting for the slaughter. I would catch her myself and bring her back but I simply grew bored of this routine and wish to try something different”
“What are you saying un?”
“Pein requested we catch the one tails by this week and honestly I grew bored and tired of following orders. I have grew a lot in the Akatsuki but at this point I don’t think I have enough room to enhance with all their limitations…so I want to try and do things on my own” He said summoning Hiruko 
“You are quitting hn!?” I asked shocked  
“You are an artist…So you should know exactly what I’m talking about. Help me fake my death and I’ll find y/n for you, since I’ll be off the radar. A favor for a favor” 
I couldn’t believe my ears but smirked and nodded “You got yourself a deal…. Artist to artist yeah”  

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