Chapter 17

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Once I turned off the waterworks, Mina helped me find a place to sit. 

"Do you mind telling us what happened?" Mina asks. "Shouto-" I begin. "I knew it was that Half-n-half Bastard," Bakugou growls, stomping off. Kirishima runs after him in an attempt to stop him. "Shouto told me I'm weak. I thought he was different. My own mother hated me for 11 years because I'm quirkless. Not to mention all the bullies I've had. Entire schools look down on me." I continue. "I don't have much faith in the world." I let out a soft chuckle. 

"You clearly aren't weak. You've endured all of this and continue to do so." Mina explains. "I'm sure Todoroki didn't mean to call you weak. There must have been a reason." Jiro speaks. "Yeah, that guy wouldn't hurt you on purpose. He's clearly head over heels-" The rest in Kaminari's sentence comes out muffled due to Sero and Jiro covering his mouth with their hands. They give you an awkward smile.

You ignore them as a loud explosion is made, followed by a large tower of ice in the center of the mall. 

"Kiri didn't stop him," Mina states worriedly. "What?" I question, confused. "Bakugou and Todoroki are fighting." She explains shortly. "Why?" I ask. "They're fighting over you of course." Kaminari manages to blurt out before anyone could stop him. "I'm not sure why Bakugou is so upset though." He continues. 

I run over to the scene, Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, and Sero following behind me. Sure enough, Bakugou and Shouto were fighting while Midoriya was running around making sure all the bystanders were safe and trying to get the two to stop.

They stood quite a distance apart. They began to run at each other, both ready to punch the other. I ran as fast as I could. There was a large explosion of steam after I caught both of their fists. I winced in pain and began shivering. One arm was frozen while the other burned. "Y/n!" They both shout. "What were you thinking," Shouto says as he takes my frozen arm with his left hand and my burned arm his right. The ice begins to melt while burn cools down. 

Bakugou takes my arm, harshly ripping me away from Shouto. I wince in pain. "Don't fucking touch her. You already hurt her once, and now you've done it again." Bakugou speaks aggressively. "Baku-" "You're the one hurting her. Look at her." Shouto cuts me off. Bakugou turns to you and releases your arm, gently taking your hand instead. "What do you think you're doing? Give her back." Shouto speaks, seeming a little pissed. "You can't have her," Bakugou argues. "She's mine." Shouto walks closer to Bakugou, clearly pissed off. 

"Shut up! I don't care if the two of you beat the shit out of each other but there are two things you guys are forgetting." Mina speaks angrily. "L/n isn't an object and she's injured," Midoriya speaks, taking the hand Bakugou wasn't holding. "Let go of her Kacchan," Midoriya glared at Bakugou. He scoffs, turning away and letting go of my hand. 

"Are you ok?" Midoriya asks. I nod my head before turning towards Shouto. He meets my gaze and his eyes turn soft. "Let's get you to the hospital." Midoriya states. I turn back to him, "I'm really fine. This was nothing." I give him a small smile. 

I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around just in time to be wrapped in a hug. Midoriya lets go of me while Shouto pulls me as close to him as he can.

𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬  | Shouto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now