Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock ringing. I didn't recognize it as my own, so I ignored it and snuggled closer to the warm object beside me.

"Y/n, we need to get up, we have school." A voice said.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled out groggily. My eyes shot open, I realized something was wrong. I look up and am met with his stunning multi-colored eyes. 

"Shouto?!" I nearly shout in alarm. "What are you doing in my room? And in my bed for that matter?" I ask him in a panic. "What are you talking about?" He asks. I look around and immediately realize what had happened. I look down and realize I'm in pajamas, though they aren't my own. 

He notices me looking at what I'm wearing in confusion. "Don't worry. My sister changed you, and you're clothes are on that desk over there." He points to across the room. 

He gets out of bed and walks over to the desk he was just before pointing at. I take notice of what he's wearing, or rather,  what he isn't wearing. No shirt. My face turns red. He grabs my clothes and sets them in front of me before walking away into another room, I can only assume it's his bathroom or his walk-in closet.

I take my school uniform and quickly change. I finish changing and sit on his bed remembering what had happened the day before. 

Shouto walks out dressed in his school uniform and into the other room next to it. Not too long after he walks back into his bedroom and to me. 

"Here," He says, handing me a hairbrush. "My sister brought this to me last night for you." He continued. I took it from him smiling and saying, "Thank you." 

I brushed my hair as Shouto sat beside me. "I can take you to school. Unless you don't want to go, I can talk to the principal of UA about you, at least you might be able to go there today." He spoke. "Why wouldn't I want to go to school?" I chuckled nervously, forcing a smile. "I'm sorry, but I heard when you were speaking to Fuyumi. You're bullied because you're quirkless." He turned to look at me. I looked down at my feet. "Oh, if it doesn't bother you, can we still be friends? I know I'm weak, but it's just that you're my first friend and..." I trailed off not knowing where I was taking my sentence. 

Shouto rested his hand atop mine, shocked, I looked at our hands as he began to hold my own. "Y/n, don't think so lowly of yourself. Just because that's what your mother sees, doesn't mean it's true. Just because you're not enough to those kids at school doesn't mean everyone thinks you're not enough." I looked up at him, he was being so kind to me. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him. I feel him tense but relax once again. He hugs me back until the door is thrown open.

"Aww, you two are so cute!" The young women exclaimed. My face heated up. "Ms. Todoroki, I'm sorry about the inconvenience last night." I stand up and bow as she walks over to me. "It's fine, and call me Fuyumi. Since we're soon to be sisters-in-law." She finishes the last sentence with a smirk. At this point, I'm sure I looked like a tomato. "I-I told you, w-we aren't dating." "I ship it!" A male's voice from down the hall yells. Fuyumi chuckles. "Anyways, remember you're always welcome here. And also, be careful, use protection." She laughs and runs out the door. I swear steam was gushing out of my ears. 

"Protection from what?" Shouto asks. He's too precious.

𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬  | Shouto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now