The Fight

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Michas pov

Feeling the wind in my hair as we ran, this would be my first fight as a wolf. Lucas directed me to stay near him since I was inexperienced. The chatter of the pack was light, but I could hear it in my head all around me. Trix was riding one of the packs, Felix, who was the largest wolf of the pack, even larger than Lucas which was saying a lot. She looked magnificent with her long red hair flowing behind her like a modern warrior goddess with her automatic weapon and a sword. Her most dangerous tool was in her little black bag at her side. Some of it was used for healing and some for magic spells. I knew this by listening to the others converse as we ran. Many of them looked up to her, but as we closed in on the warehouse the chatter quieted except for a couple of Lycans who proclaimed they were gonna whoop some ass. Most were seething with anger. I was both scared and pumped about this fight.

The warehouse was in the country on the edge of the woods. That was good for us as the chance of outsiders seeing us would be low. It had also probably been why this location had been chosen by Bryan. There were big wide windows so they could see anyone coming in any direction. Slowing, as we came closer knowing the place, the adrenalin flowing and muscles twitching in readiness. The lights were dim but we could see the shadows. Strangely, it was one of those perfect nights where the moon was full. I wondered then if that had provoked my aggression because of all the myths I had heard about the full moon. There was always some truth to these stories.

Trix jumped off of Felix and began moving her hands in the motion of a spell while she was closely guarded by others of the pack. From the times I used to play Dungeons and Dragons, I knew a mage was one the enemy would want to take out quickly if at all possible.

I wondered what she planned to do? Rip down the door first. Before I had a chance to ask or find out, I suddenly saw something move above us. As it got closer, I realized it was a fucking dragon. *Good God!*

Lucas was shaking his head and snickering. *Don't worry, its an illusion. They are trying to shake up Trix and mess up her spell. If that's the best magic they have we will have Bryan in no time. Any real dragon that came into this dimension would disguise itself. If humans saw it there would be chaos."

He seemed so sure but it looked real to me. Starting to realize everything I thought was a myth was turning out to be true as I stared at it entranced. It swooped and opened its mouth preparing to attack. Cringing, I closed my eyes and then heard a loud bang. Lucas had changed into his warrior form which was a sight to see as he had become a muscular half-wolf, half-human monster. It was the mythical creature that put fear into human hearts about werewolves. He busted the front door down and the attack ensued. Some were fighting as wolves and others as the warrior. I stayed as my wolf having the raw power of the beast with me but not the movement of the warrior form. The warrior form was able to do the same things a human could but was stronger and faster. Soon, all my focus was on the wolves attacking by tearing, ripping, clawing and blood all around me. Lucas had been right about the dragon. It was fake and harmed no one. I had lost track of Trix as the chaos of the fight ensued around me.

Suddenly, we were all plunged into darkness and I could see nothing. It was as if I had lost my eyesight, and I realized this was another spell. I froze and then a wolf was upon me tearing and biting, but as quickly as that happened it was ripped off of me by Lucas. *Use your sense of smell and your ears for God's sake!"

The chastisement made me blush for only a second. There wasn't time to be embarrassed by my inexperience. Concentrating, I managed to tune into those senses and it didn't matter that I couldn't see. A wolf's eyes weren't their best asset, However, their nose and sense of hearing were. I tore into the next wolf that attacked me and then looked for Stephen whenever I was able too. The darkness seemed to go on for a few minutes and then suddenly, I could see again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trix take her sword out of a young man's stomach, and he crumbled to the ground. I wondered briefly if he had been their mage, but I didn't have time to think about it long. It seemed like Lucas and the other wolves were swamped with fighting, especially Lucas. I started toward him but then a lean blond wolf stepped in my way. He wasn't much larger than me, but I knew it was Bryan when I saw the hate in his eyes. *I am going to kill you!* He said to me and then his teeth bared as he attacked.

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