Prologue [•]

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Starting over at a new school is always fun, especially when you have don't have issues introducing yourself. Luckily, our protagonist Elizabeth Liones, holds this very same belief. Being the definition of grace and charm, she has never had any reason to dread going to a new school.

If you've made it this far, then you would know everything I just said was a lie. Elizabeth Liones holds the title of "Queen of Clumsy," always tripping over this and that. Her social skills are just fine from afar, but if you get near enough, you'll learn that she keeps to herself. One might even say that she excels at presentations, but sucks at small talk.

Then there's Meliodas Perth, the happy-go-lucky guy that never lets anyone get too close. His secrets need to stay his; a secrets stays a secret if you don't tell anyone. That's his belief, and he doesn't plan on changing it. School doesn't matter all that much to him, but he doesn't mind going through it.

Their paths intercept and once entangled, it becomes impossible to get loose.

hi, it's me Richie again. i want to start off by saying that im very sorry. i completely forgot this book existed for the entire year, everything else in my life has been a bit out of wack haha.

anyway, the chapters that have a [•] in them have been rewritten. the ones that don't are the old ones. thank you for your patience :)

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