Part 12- Between love and reason

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Anne stood in front of the mirror and checked her appearance for the umpteenth time. Her hair had grown a little in those last few weeks, so she used silver cleats she had gotten from Matthew to secure a lock on either side of her head. The dress Marilla had made her was a turquoise blue, Anne's favorite color. It had puffed sleeves and a discreet neckline that gave it a certain air of sophistication. The only jewel she wore was pearl earrings that Diana had given her that morning, her face was flushed and her eyes were bright.

- Don't be silly, Anne. It's just a birthday dinner and not a big event - she scolded herself quietly. But she continued to look at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hair nervously and straightening her skirt. That's when she heard only her inner voice say, "Wouldn't all that caring about your appearance be because Gilbert Blythe is down there waiting for you?"

- Stop being ridiculous - she scolded herself again- Who says he's waiting for me?

- Speaking to yourself, Anne?-she heard Diana ask.

- I was just thinking out loud. - Anne simply said.

- Anne, you look magnificent," Diana exclaimed admiring her friend.

- What an interesting choice of words, Diana Barry. You seem to have an imagination after all. - Anne said amused.

- I'm learning from you how to use my creativity,- Diana said smiling.

-Is everybody here yet? - asked Anne, wanting to know about Gilbert.

- I think so. The only person I haven't seen yet is Gilbert. Marilla said she invited him.

-Yes, Marilla had the bad taste to invite him. Anne said, disguising her disappointment. "How cynical you are, Anne. Just admit that you were crazy to see him at this dinner"-Shut up your petulant voice and leave me alone! -the angry girl thought

- Let's go down or Marilla will send a battalion after us. She hates delays. – Anne took Diana's hand and they went downstairs. When she was on the penultimate step she turned her attention to the door, and there was Gilbert staring at her in amazement. Her heart warmed in a way she couldn't help but smile at him, but soon she tried to disguise herself as she spotted Ruby watching her.

Gilbert was speechless. When he saw Anne coming down the stairs his heart stopped beating for a moment, and he couldn't believe how incredible she looked in that turquoise blue dress. And he wondered how many times and in how many ways could he fall in love with someone? Because he had the clear impression that every time he saw Anne he fell in love with her in a different way. There was no one like her in all the world. Anne Shirley was a unique human being and he loved her, he had no doubt about it.

As soon as Anne appeared, Marilla called everyone to the table so she could start serving dinner. When everyone sat down, Anne realized that Gilbert had chosen a chair right in front of hers, and suddenly she felt tense, because she knew that in this way she wouldn't be able to escape his gaze all night. "Oh, my God. Just look at him. He looks like a real prince charming. Everything about Gilbert Blythe is too perfect." Anne Shirley, contain yourself! Do you want Ruby to realize your disloyalty to her?- she said to herself nervously, and remarked that the little girl adored Gilbert. That night was going to be a nightmare.

Gilbert was waiting for the right moment to talk to Anne and give her the gift. He hoped she'd like it, because it meant a lot to him. While they were having dinner he tried to talk to other people who were sitting next to him, but he was finding it difficult to control his anxiety. He needed to talk to Anne, wouldn't they have a chance to be alone? He asked when he saw her surrounded by friends.

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