Part 1- Back home

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 Before starting I want to say that this story is more modern than the original one. It happens in the sixties or seventies.So don't be surprised to find things that there aren't in the original serie. I modernized it to make it easier for me to tell my story.


Home. Blue eyes. Red hair. Anne. Every time Gilbert thought of Avonlea, her image was the first to invade his thoughts. He felt as if the memory of Anne had brought him by the cool sea breeze the soft scent of home.

It was funny to think that when he left almost a year ago, with his soul devastated by the loss of his father and fed up with that monotonous life with no prospect of change, Gilbert had promised he would never return, but after he had discovered his real vocation, he understood that everything he needed was in Anvolea and returning was the only thing he wanted then.

But it was worth all that adventure, he had visited so many different places, he had met so many interesting people, he had even conquered a friend, Sebastian, who was now returning with him to start a new life after years trapped on a ship, leading a life of slavery and privations.

Gilbert stared at the immensity of the ocean in front of him and sighed, thinking about what awaited him a few days ago. Had anything changed in Avonlea, or were people still the same? And Anne? How was she? Did she remember him or had she simply forgotten him after all those months without any contact, except for a single letter he had received from her telling a story that he had not understood very well that perhaps there was gold on his land, and to which he had replied saying that he had no intention of returning home so soon. After that there was no more talk, months of silence followed in which he had not noticed, hoped that she would write again, but that did not happen, and then he had to conform to the fact that Anne did not miss him.

Gilbert closed his eyes and remembered the first time he had seen her in the forest, at the moment he was being threatened by Billy, one of the stupid kids at school. Gilbert had then saved her by chasing the boy away, and when Anne was free she ran out on her way to school without looking or talking to him at all as if she was extremely embarrassed to have been caught in that situation. He had tried to talk to her, following her to school, but he had not succeeded, only when they arrived in class Anne had said her name and thanked him in quick words, and then nothing else. Gilbert had tried to get close many times, but couldn't, and didn't understand why she ignored him all the time. He had tried to get her attention during class in every possible way, but the girl did not give in an inch, the only time he had gotten a reaction from her was when he called her a redhead, which had given him a bruise on his forehead, since Anne quite irritated with his attacks hit his face with the blackboard she used to study. Instead of getting angry, Gilbert was pleased to realize that Anne was not so indifferent to his presence.

Anne was a mystery to him, and it fascinated him. His personality was so striking and full of facets that he often ended up losing himself in deep contemplation for her during class. Anne confused him, distracted him, and attracted him as well, and for this reason Gilbert felt an enormous need to be near her at every opportunity.

What an incredible human being Anne Shirley was! Her creativity and talent were unmatched, she was witty, dedicated to her friends, and too smart for a girl, he had to admit. Being close to her was to feel the energy that emanated from that flimsy body, but so active in all its endings, and it was also to feel bombarded by so much wisdom that made him imagine how someone so young could have so much knowledge about so many things.

Gilbert could remember the countless times Anne had found solutions to problems and situations that no other person could have imagined. He wondered what her life had been like before she was adopted by Marila and her brother Matthew. Anne never talked about her years at the orphanage, but Gilbert believed it had not been easy for her. Perhaps all her courage and aggressiveness came from the fact that she had had to learn to defend herself from an early age, and this made him admire her even more.

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