Capítulo 73- You and me, and the sea

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Anne answered the last question of the Linguistics test and sighed with relief. This was the last test of the week, and for the next two weeks she would have no evaluations, just study the normal course classes until the end of next month when she would take the final exams of the semester, and have more quiet days until the vacations arrived.

She put her material in her backpack, stood up, and walked to the teacher in charge of the subject. She handed over the test with a smile on her lips, and stepped out into the fresh morning air. In the courtyard of the school there were few students circulating in the corridors, most were still in their classrooms.

Anne sat down on one of the campus benches and pulled an apple from her purse. At first bite, she thought about what she would be doing on her vacation this year. Gilbert hadn't mentioned anything about it, so Anne didn't know if he had anything in mind, since they hadn't discussed it much in the last few days. Both of them had been so swamped with college activities that they barely had time to enjoy time together.

Gilbert's college had entered a very demanding phase, and lately, every time he came to Avonlea, Gilbert would bring a class to study, so they would spend entire weekends locked in Gilbert's room, and while he did the work he had to hand in, Anne would keep him company by reading a book, or writing his stories.

Although she missed the time they spent together, Anne understood that Gilbert needed to study, so she never complained. It was a blessing to have him around every weekend when she thought she would have to be away from him indefinitely. She enjoyed being with him, even though she didn't get all the attention she was used to, she now had another rival which was medicine, but, she didn't resent that. She would a thousand times rather have Gilbert sleeping on her lap on Saturday nights, exhausted from studying endless hours, than not have him at all.

The memories of the days she had spent with him in New York were still in her memory. They were magical days, full of passion in which she and Gilbert had given themselves completely to what they felt, there were no limits to what they desired, she had discovered a new Anne inside her, freer, more daring, more passionate, just as she had gotten to know a more fascinating side of her fiancé, his seductive side.

Gilbert was always measured in his actions, thoughtful and practical, but in those days in New York he had let a new facet of his personality come to the surface, and had used seduction to get what he wanted from Anne. She remembered the warm kisses, waking up with him each morning, feeling his soft breath in her hair, the hands that insisted on touching her even when she was unwilling to yield, the words he used to convince her whispered quietly in her ears, the way he loved her so intensely that he gave her no room to resist. They were incredible moments of torrid passion that Anne felt for him without being able to deny it. Gilbert was such a contagious addiction that she could feel him sailing through her blood overflowing into her heart, she couldn't and wouldn't stay away from him, for every part of him lived deep in her soul.

And to think that it had all started with an innocent flirtation between two teenagers who had nothing in common. On one side, the hotheaded redhead who lived in the world of imagination and who, with her well constructed sentences, left her mark on the world for being someone so peculiar. At what point had changed?

Anne couldn't say when she began to get closer to Gilbert, and realize that their souls had a connection. Perhaps in those moments when they were searching for a perfect spelling she had discovered something more in Gilbert's smile than the curiosity of a boy used to always winning without ever having a worthy competitor, and had found in Anne a stimulating challenge. Gilbert had become the man she loved today, and had turned from a petulant little girl always ready for a fight into a woman full of desire, who couldn't imagine a future in which Gilbert wasn't in it.

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