Chapter 2

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Private Message Tweak T >> Kyle B

Tweak T: you okay?

Kyle B: no

Tweak T: Aw Kyle

Kyle B: I'm blushing so hard and screaming in the cubicle please come and get me

Kyle B: he gave no warning

Kyle B: but god damn

Tweak T: whenever he does that I do the same, though I'm with Craig

Tweak T: ahh which cubicle

Tweak T: there's only one closed oh

Kyle B: I'm a mess

Kyle B: he took off his shirt god damn it! Without warning! And it was so he could compare shirt sizes with fucking Cartman what the hell

Tweak T: you okay? You said that out loud

Tweak T: hey you can sit on the gay table at lunch if your ready

Tweak T: build up your confidence

Tweak T: you want some coffee?

Tweak T: Kyle?

Kyle B: yeah yeah I do


Private Message Stan >> Kyle B

Kyle B: hey Stan I'm sitting with Tweak for lunch so keep Kenny on your table or I swear to god I'm gonna cry

Stan: you go bro


Fuck Cartman

<KennyMcDick is online>

KennyMcDick: hey where did Kyle go?

<Kyle's Bro is online>

Kyle's Bro: he went to inject himself with insulin

KennyMcDick: has he even eaten

KennyMcDick: Stan?

KennyMcDick: Stan I think you aren't telling me something

Fatboy: ay why is Jew sitting with the gays?!

<Kyle's Bro left the chat>

KennyMcDick ok something is suspicious here

KennyMcDick: Stan get back here

Fatboy: the jew's a fag?

KennyMcDick: he might just want to sit with Craig and co

Fatboy: no he's totally coming out to them right now

Fatboy: look

KennyMcDick: he's blushing

KennyMcDick: Jesus

Fatboy: aren't you apart of the gay group? Ask them!

KennyMcDick: if you insist...

<KennyMcDick added Craig, TacoMASTER, That_one_black_guy and Butter_my_nutters to the chat>


TacoMASTER: poor person?

That_one_black_guy: damn you gotta do better than that

Craig: why am I here

Craig: goodbye

<Craig left the chat>

TacoMASTER: kenny I assume this was you why did you pull us all here if we already have a gay cha cha chat

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