•I WANT YOU• (chapter 9)

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I sat here waiting for Johnny to come back with our orders, we came to get some coffee here we don't often come here but he just said he needed to talk to me, i think i know what he wants to talk about.

"There you go" he gave me my coffee and sat down.

"Who was that with doyoung yesterday?" He was about say something but i beat him to it.

"Oh his friend. jungwoo" he said then started

"Be honest with me, why were you late when you were right behind us?" He asked impatiently waiting for me to answer should i tell him the truth? I think i should i lied enough.

"Doyoung stopped me, and asked if i still had feelings for him i said i don't know and came back, it took me late because he wasn't letting me go" i said with a straight face.

Johnny just frowned he looked a little surprised.
"Okay whoa! I wanna beat him, don't ever go to him jae im telling you. You had enough" he said and he meant it hes right i had enough but then what do i do about this heart of mine?.

"Yes i know you're right". I nodded.


I got home and i was about to open the door but it was already unlocked did i left it like that? But i remember locking it up or maybe i didn't i got inside and closed the door wait- i just stood there i closed my eyes its just my mind playing tricks its impossible hes here.

I opened my eyes and sighed My mind wasn't playing tricks nor it was a dream he really was there sitting on my couch waiting.

"Finally! You're here" he said he and got up came close to me i just stood there not looking at him.

"What do you want?" I said
"What do i want? Hm let me think wait its you i want you jung jaehyun" his tone got real serious at the end, he changed how could a person be this changed just in few months.
I stepped away from him and looked at him.

"Doyoung please just stop i had enough! You wanted to know i have feelings? Yes i still have feelings for you i still love you the same, and you got your answer now please leave" i said as i could then i opened the door for him i hope he leaves but at the same time i don't want him to leave. What is wrong with me.

"Im not leaving its been months since i saw you and it wasn't a really a good time at the mall" of course it wasn't i slammed the door shut and sat down on the couch.

"Oh yes it wasn't why? You're the reason if you never showed up i wouldn't been hurting" i got up and as i stepped closer and closer to him as i talked
"I wouldn't been drinking, i wouldn't been hurting, i wouldn't been crying every night i wouldn't been wishing to die, i would have been finally moved on and start a new life with someone just like you did"
I realized he stopped because there was wall behind him and he couldn't stepped back anymore we were so close that i could feel his breath.

But then he pushed me back
"Stop! I never moved on and i never started a life with anyone you know why i became like this? Because you thought i cheated on you never in my life i would do that! I loved you and you said it was a lie you didn't believed my love you didn't even trusted me with anyone"

He breathed then started again.

"Just because I'm with someone doesn't mean im cheating on you or that persons my boyfriend or girlfriend, you were with Johnny a lot of times did i ever said anything like that? No because i trusted you jaehyun"
He took deep breath after that and went to sit on the couch and hes crying.

I don't even know what to think i was wrong it was me and i blamed him for everything, hes right i didn't even trusted him enough how could i even make that mistake.

"Then why you didn't came back? Why that day when i texted you and you just said "bye" you didn't even tried to explain anything, do you even know how much it hurted me when you said i was perfectly fine? Do you?"

I think i snapped i didn't even realized i was crying too how badly i just want to jump into his arms but I'm not sure. So i just sat down my back against the wall.

Nor he said anything after that or me we just sat there quietly crying.

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