•THE DAY• (chapter 2)

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Today is finally the day! I packed everything and ready to go and im actually waiting for doyoung to come so we can go. After few minutes he came

"Hii its gonna be fun again" he says smiling of course he loves trips and yes it'll be great i believe.
"Ah yes it will be now lets get on the bus"

We got on the bus and got the best seats after some time it was full and we're ready to go!.

Doyoung pulls out his airpods wait a sec- i forgot mine just perfect!
"Can i listen it with you?" I asked i hope he doesn't say no pls!
Doyoung smiles
"Of course here" he gives me one and i ??? Why is he the nicest. We begin to listen to music and i realized he mostly listens to selena Gomez and justin bieber
I actually hate justin bieber but he does have some nice songs i don't mind listening to Selena gomez at all.

Until they plays some songs by justin Timberlake in the bus.

"Hey i think they're playing good music now" i say to doyoung and he just shrugs
"I don't like it" alright he doesn't like it.

After 4 freaking hours of sitting in the bus we finally arrived!

First we went to the park where they have rides and im not scared of rides at all i love them actually.
I see a huge ride a roller coaster and i really wanna get on it.

"Hey! Lets go on that ride!" I say to doyoung pointing at the ride and his faces lits up
"Sure lets get tickets for everyone" he says and we go to get tickets without telling our friends

We got 5 tickets! 2 for us 2 for of course taeyong and ten and 1 for doyoung's cousin jennie.

"Shes gonna go like 'what the heck no I'm not getting on that huge thing' but we making her go with us" doyoung says while making face i just laughed hes funny.

"What the heck! no I'm not getting on that huge thing" jennie yells!
"Told you" doyoung says to me well he must know her to well.

"Lets just go!" Ten says who's doyoung's brother and grabs taeyong's Hand and begins to walk there and we with them included jennie since she had no choice. I feel bad for her kinda.


"Phew! That ride was something!" I said catching my breath
"It was the best" doyoung says!.
"I would lovee to go on it every time i come here" ten says
"It was the worst i hate yall" jennie cries.
"To be honest it was really the best experience of my life" i said and i meant it i just never felt like that before wow! I love rides even 1000x more now.
After few hours we had to go to the beach and when i came here for the first time my heart just won't stop beating so faster and i was super nervous i thought i might will just die, why? Because i have aquaphobia but this time? Im literally so excited because i loved the beach and ocean isn't scary at all! Its actually really beautiful here of course i don't swim in it its not like im not scared of it at all. Its dangerous even when kids are swimming in it but i just don't feel safe it's so scary in the water i feel like it would just eat me so i just stand a little far and look and enjoy the peace, not exactly the peace since a lot of people are here.

"Hey! Lets eat icecream!" Doyoung came to me saying that I just nodded and went with him to eat some icecream after that we ate burgers and went back to the bus.

We went to the mall, it wasn't really great there since all the things were like hela expensive for me to buy so i just looked.
Since doyoung is rich he bought some things.

After that we ate at McDonalds and went a lot of places after that and then finally it was time to go home ah i miss home I'm so tired i just want to get in my bed my legs literally hurt so bad.

Everyone got on the bus we stopped at the last hotel to eat dinner more like breakfast since it was 5 in the morning.

"Aren't you eating?" Doyoung asked since i only had some milk tea in front of me
"I ate already actually so im drinking this tea i actually hated it, but this one is something its delicious you should totally try it." I said he just smiled and nodded and went back to eating with his friends.

We got on the bus again this time Finally to home.

Doyoung fell asleep actually everyone is sleeping except me and the bus driver I'm just not ever able to sleep on drives.

I tap doyoung on his leg he opened his eyes
"Can i borrow your airpods?" i asked and he just nodded and closed his eyes again. Alright i started listening to some peaceful music.

And i grabbed doyoung's head to make him lay on my shoulder before he falls.

"You guys look cute together" i hear a familiar voice to my right to see taeyong looking at us
"Shush it" i said and went back to my music hes weird way too weird.


"Here" i said holding his airpods
He smiles and takes them.

"It was amazing and really fun! Lets go together again next year?" I say on the walk home
"Sure! It'll be fun i love it with you" he says and smiles. I chuckle "yes me too" i say

"Bye doyoung!" I say as i begin to walk on my way home.
"Bye jaehyun" i hear him yell behind me, i smiled and then went home straight in the shower and in bed right after.

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