•HEARTBREAK• (chapter 6)

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"Please come on it'll be fun! Doyoung will be there too, and not just me he wants you there too come on jae" Johnny begged, he really wants me to be at his party and i really don't want to go but i want to see doyoung so bad too its been a week since we saw each other because we've both been busy with things and i was kinda angry at him too.

He might be mad at me too probably sigh.
"Okay fine! I will come just because i want to get my mind off some things" i said lying of course im only going because doyoung's there thats it.

"Okay thats good, tonight right at 8 pm okay? Be there don't be late" Johnny said right before leaving ugh isn't it too early, whatever.

What should i wear though, nothing fancy just casual I'm not in partying mood anyways what's the point of all getting dressed up.

So i just wore my black shirt and ripped black jeans and my leather jacket, this doesn't seem casual or does it?.


I arrived and this loud music is making me go deaf and all these lights how do Johnny even manage to get all these things. I should just look for doyoung, i kept looking everywhere for him.

Wheres doyoung?.

I don't know he was right here, you can't find him?.

Its alright I'll find him.

I put my phone back in my pocket and started to look near me.


I see him. I see him with someone else holding hands who is not me. It feels like someone just stabbed into my heart, he keep looking everywhere, is he looking for me? I don't know
I just can't stand this before i break down i have to get fucking out of here i don't even want to stay a second here anymore. Fuck

I went upstairs i need to find a bathroom i can't fucking breath ugh.

I got into the bathroom i tried to breath and calm myself i don't want to get an asthma attack or shit. I washed my face and stayed there some time. i can't believe it how could he do this to me, how could he hold someone else's hand when he tells me he loves me and only me?. I need to get out of here. But i need to do something first.

hey where are you?".

My baby:
HEY JAE! first tell me where you are I've been looking for you everywhere, you're still at the party right?"

Fuck it its not like you care anymore.

No i left i was bored and the party sucked.

My baby:
But i wanted to see you? ): .

Pfft. Of course you wanted to see me bullshit.

So who are you with, seems like you already found a partner to party with.

My baby:
What do you mean? Im not with anyone i came here because johnny said you're coming but you left without even telling.

Fuck it doyoung I'm going to bed. Night.

After that he didn't replied. And i just wanted to cry aghh Okay i have to leave now i can breakdown all i want at home not here i left the bathroom and took a deep breath even though its really hard to breath. Okay lets get out of here now. I was about to go downstairs wait was it him?. I looked at my right and whole world crashed it was him with the same guy he was before, they went into the room and the door closed. Why doyoung?.

I lost it. I just can't and i didn't stop my tears to leave my eyes this time i went downstairs eyes staring at me of course i look like shit but i don't care about anything at this point and i got outside of the house i was about to open the door of my car until i felt hand on my shoulder i looked behind it was ten.

"Jaehyun w-what happened?" He asked looking really worried but did he really cared or hes being just like his brother .

"Nothing" i wiped my tears.
"Don't tell anything to anyone bye" i got inside the car and started the car and left.

I got home and i had to quickly get to the bathroom before i puke on my carpet shit.

After that i took the medicine and tried to sleep.

of course on which i failed nonetheless.

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