Chapter 10 Special: The Interview(s)

Depuis le début

Come on...

"The Wind Phantom, Cyclone!"




"Thank you for participating with us! It's been a pleasure meeting you!" She took my hand and shook it, I tried to put a smile, but it was half-baked, but before they could notice it though, I started to walk my way out of the door.

"Damn, that kid..."



Third Person's P. O. V


"How much of that footage can we include in the piece?" The news anchor asked the cameraman, who was looking at the MP4 files compiled from the interview.

"We can only decide on it when we finish interviewing everyone else. Come on, job's not done, we have 2 more heroes left to talk to." The cameraman tapped on the anchor's shoulder. She nodded and went outside to find the second interviewee.


Midnight's P. O. V


Well, my interview is not about me but is about Cyclone... Not too surprising... Knowing people's opinion of him they're definitely polarizing and put him in a tough spot within society... Maybe perhaps I could influence people's opinion of that with this interview...

I just better hope that these interview questions aren't leading me into negative connotations about him.

But before I can even think for longer, the news anchor came in and we both shook hands with pleasure. And then she gave me recently made cup of coffee. I like this girl's style.

She gestured to the camera, as the crew was about to start taping... Let's keep my cool, now.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Midnight. We are very honored that you decided to take time from your busy schedule to give us your opinions on the new Pro Hero in the scene, Cyclone, The Wind Phantom." She shook my hand once again.

"Shall we start with the questions?"

1. What is your opinion on his meteoric rise in the Pro Hero rankings?

"I don't see any problem with it at all. To be optimistic, it's very encouraging that the proceeding generations of Quirk users are getting more and more talented. For him being so young, me and the other Pro Heroes can very easily be a good mentor for the young hero."

2. Do you agree with Japan's society's portrayal of Cyclone domestically and internationally?

Hmm... This is rather tough one.

"For all his faults and recklessness, the people must know that they're placing maybe a little bit too much expectations on the young Pro Hero. He's a late teenager, and he's bound to make more mistakes and his ranking just magnifies his mistakes even more. I think it is no fair to him and society must give him a few more years to mature and then judge his character."

Phew... I at least did my best to put him in a positive light.

3. How does his personality mesh with yours and other Pro Heroes?

"He's is usually punctual and very obedient when around us veterans. And very cooperative as well. He hasn't let his powerful abilities go to his head, that's for sure."

4. Lastly, to end it off, what is your personal opinion of Cyclone?

"For my limited interactions with Cyclone, he is sometimes rash and forceful, but at heart and as a human, he's still a good kid with a lot to learn."

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