Look at me, becoming dependent of these children. Now, with my new issues I must be prepared for these kids to abandoned me. I whispered very quietly to myself. 

I smiled once I got near enough for the kids to see my face. We started walking down the hallway, the hallway was filled with boxes of who-knows-what. 

But then again, it would be amazing for have actual friends for once.

If I'm going to get attached to these children, and truly stay with them. I guess I'll have to listen to shadow six. 

Because, she's right.

Who would want to be friends with a monster?

Wait, would that mean I'm supposed to hide my hunger too? Ugh, of course it does. That's apart of the reason The Place Of Forgotten Souls exist. 

But when I'm hungry you'll immediately know, there's no hiding that. But maybe I could hide how dangerous I can get.

But what would I disguise this hunger as? Hunger disorder? No, that wouldn't work. A made up disease? No. 

Maybe I should just say my stomach growls very loudly as a birth defect? That could work... 

--Third Person--

Before Six could think of more things to disguise her hunger as she was stopped by Mono's arm blocking her. 

"I forgot there was an Eye room here." Mono said. "Luckily I know a blind spot, if we go under the eye we can pass without doing the sneaking nonsense." Mono pointed under the eye. 

((yes, you can do that in the actual game.) 

The group of kids waited until the eye looked away to go under it's blind spot. 

The kids walked into the next room. 

In this room- Actually could you even call it a room? There was a bridge over a foggy abyss.

"Y'all remember this room?" Seven said. "Yes, the room where I almost died." Two said. 

"If we all want to make it across safely we're going to have to all go at once." Mono said. 

"You heard what he said, Line up!" Three said. 

The kids lined up beside each other. Some kids were in the back due to lack of space, Six however was in the front with Mono and Seven. 

"Remember, if you look down that'll only increase the chances of you falling." Seven said. 

"When I say 3, we go." Mono said.

"One, Two, THREE!" 

The group of kids started running. Once they touched the metal bridge, the bridge started parting and pulling itself into a hole. 

The kids jumped over the gap,  they went over to the ledge where they could climb up with the help of a box. 

"Okay, now all we need is-" Mono broke off from the sentence when he saw the Metal Box falling off the bridge, everybody saw this.

"The box..." Three said, more shock than fear in her voice.

"THE BOX IS GONE." Two said, panic and fear was present in her voice. 

"WE'RE GONNA DIE." Seven screamed.

Six watched as the kids broke into panic. 

Six reached into her pocket, grabbed her lighter, and banged it on the ledge. Making a loud ringing noise, the noise quiet down the children. Everybody stared at her, that tensed her but at least she got their attention. Six put the lighter into her pocket. 

Little Nightmares : Split (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora